Intel joins in the fight against the attemps of the govt to develop/mandate anti-piracy solutions.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Intel has joined The ADP.

"The Alliance for Digital Progress (ADP) was formed to fight attempts to force the government to design and mandate technology solutions to digital piracy. ADP?s broad membership of consumer groups, public-interest organizations, and businesses believe the best answers arise from private-sector collaboration on solutions that meet consumer expectations. We urge consumers to join with us in calling on Congress and other policymakers to oppose technology mandates and support the protection of digital content."


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
RE:"We urge consumers to join with us in calling on Congress and other policymakers to oppose technology mandates and support the protection of digital content."

Does there seem like a conflict in this statement?

Oppose mandates....
support protection of digital content?

This goes after Hollywoods lobby to put antipiracy measures in consumer devices...I understand that part but how does this NOT "support the protection of digital content?" Seems as though that would support it...



Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2001
I think they want a body of industry people to do the anti-piracy stuff (and the measures would be voluntary, not mandatory), rather than the US government which could (read: certainly will be) seen as US government trying to impose & control rights of individuals in other countries, not to mention shift power into the hands of government, when it could be in the hands of industry (currently there's no real power so can be said to be distributed in the hands of consumers).

The whole things pretty complicated with regards to who supports/proposes what, anyone feeling like doing a breakdown or pointing to a site that has?