Bob, Rob, and Tom drive around looking for a target - usually an older man driving a luxury car which is probably covered by an expensive insurance policy...So they find some old man driving a benz and pull alongside him. All of a sudden, bob accelerates, swerves in front of the benz, and slams on the brakes, causing the driver to rear end bob's car. The trio angrrily confronts the old man and complain of neck pains. Voila, lawsuit for car damage and medical expenses.
Jim is about to pull his new car out of a parking spot. He sees a man in a beatup car driving down the isle who stops and waves, indicating that he's gonna let him back out. As Jim backs out, the man t-bones Jims car and jumps out, complaining to jim on how he obstructed his right of way. He claims he was just swatting a fly.
Bills car lease is about to expire soon and he has put a few extra thousand miles on it. He knows the penalty is gonna be steep so he has the car stripped and crushed. He tells his insurance company that it was stolen. ++grasshopper points to him.
Jim is about to pull his new car out of a parking spot. He sees a man in a beatup car driving down the isle who stops and waves, indicating that he's gonna let him back out. As Jim backs out, the man t-bones Jims car and jumps out, complaining to jim on how he obstructed his right of way. He claims he was just swatting a fly.
Bills car lease is about to expire soon and he has put a few extra thousand miles on it. He knows the penalty is gonna be steep so he has the car stripped and crushed. He tells his insurance company that it was stolen. ++grasshopper points to him.