Instant messenger connection problems


Oct 20, 2004
My AIM disconnects every 20 minutes or so on all my computers on my network. I"m using a linksys wcg200 (cable modem/router in one). I've had multiple cable service providers and I've never had this issue before.

I've even had my current service provider and it did not do this before. MSN Mess does stay connected. But I primarily and only use AIM.

The service provider says its a "microsoft issue".. ya right buddy.

AIM help says its the service provider.

I've narrowed everything else out, I'm running no firewalls, I've changed every config option in the router one by one to see if anything helped, I've formatted all my computers and tried AIM with and without SP2. I've also tried the cable modem hooked up to EVERY cable outlet in the place, tried removing the splitter to see if it was messing it up.. ect.

So I'm essentially down to: sh*tty internet service or, somethings wrong with the router/cable modem.

I have a hard time believing its the router/cable modem.. just my hunch.
But I just got it when I moved here, so its new equipment for me. I'm using wireless and wired on another computer, I'm sure its not the wireless because it does it on both PCs.

Basically I'm using whatever crap NIC is in this Pentium4, and a linksys 802.11g wireless card in my personal Athlon.

I wish there was a ISP service quality test app I could run to see if I"m not getting a "constant connection" from these guys.
the ISP (mediacom) said that everything looks good on their end.

AIM help said that its the ISP not providing a good enough connection because it needs a constant link. The ISP said that AIM is junk and that "no service provider can provide a constant link"..

well I've used AIM for about 5 years now. Never had a problem before. In fact, its become my favorite IM over ICQ (my first love), and MSN (never would stay connected for weeks on end like AIM did for me).

BUT I have had problems with this particular service provider in the past, its my least favorite as I had different problems with them when I had them 3 years ago. But I can't use another provider in this location, because i'm in an apartment and only that company wired this building.. ghey.

So my next step is to try another router/cable modem combo.. but I like this linksys.
Its the only one with 802.11g that I"ve seen, netgear (what I've used traditionally) has one but it only has 802.11b.
and dlink... ya I dont use dlink. The dont have a similar product anyway from a quick browse of their page.

So tell me your suggestions. I honestly think its this ISP (Mediacom), I dont trust them at all.
And it would suck for me to have to spend another $150 on a new cable modem and/or router to see if its this linksys.

I havent been incredibly impressed with linksys's indian tech support either. But I still think they build a quality product, and doubt this thing is to blame..

suggestions? besides pulling my friggin hair out?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
There have been issues reported about Norton Utilities. You may need to get the latest bits from them. If I remember anything else that might be causing this, I'll reply again. Also, do some keyword searches in the forum, I'm pretty sure this situation has come up before


Oct 20, 2004
The PC I'm on now is a fresh format, and I havent put norton utilities 2005/NAV '05 on yet.

I'll do some searches about norton to see whats going on.. I'd hate to start spending $150 for a netgear router just to try that.

Besides what you just brought up, I've tried about everything that doesnt cost $

I'm on a fresh XP SP2 install with nothing else on but AIM.. it did it with only SP1 as well. No windows firewall is turned on (relying on the routers firewall.. which I have also enabled/disabled).


Oct 20, 2004
I read all those, there are no firmware updates for my model.

I dont know if there are alot of these out there, because its fairly new.

We'll see how this DMZ server thing goes.. I'm goign to do some gaming in CSS and see how it goes. I usually get dropped from there every 4-8 hours (ya, long time of gaming.. but it used to work like that)


Oct 20, 2004
seems to be going strong.. 30min uptime on the AIM.. and my Friends network within steam seems to actually work now.

could someone explain to me plz why myself and that other guy that I linked to had to do this to get a good connection?

when i have never had to, to my knowledge for the last 5 years using cable internet?

i never tried port forwarding like he did.. but i ddint know what ports to open anyway for AIM/steam/everythint else that would be effected.

what exactly is wrong here, that never was before that this is required?

I'm going to go ahead and install my Norton AV'05, norton utils.

i did lose my connection twice so far, but that was because of low wireless ability, not the same problem i specified.. i can tell the difference. :)

but now the wired machine should work better with AIM as well too.

someone plz inform me what just happened, whats going on... i think this is kinda wierd.


Oct 20, 2004
ive been doign some research and according to what i've found, this issue affects many linksys routers.

its a real shame for this unit, because i thought i'd found something really cool (docsis 2.0 ready modem, 802.11g, 4port rj45).. but looks like linksys has to update their firmware to fix this issue. but there has never been an update for this issue, and those who have called their tech support have been treated like dirt.

i've used a cheap $40 netgear 4 port router/switch for YEARS and never had this problem. This serves me right.
NEVER turn on a company who designed something good for you in the past, until you buy a product that forces you to go somewhere else.

Linksys blows. I blew $200 some odd dollars on their wireless cards ect.

and now its all going on ebay, and its time to update my old netgear stuffs with NEW netgear hardware.. like i shoulve done in the first place.

yet another poor effected individual:

and read Mr. Rucku's story and beyond. Very interesting.

This POS has taken way too many hours of my life away.

Buy Netgear, been good to me for years.. then i stumbled upon this Indian Tech supported piece of crap.
Absolutely useless.

Netgear or Dlink for cheap home stuff for me please.

Anyone feel free to recommend alternative products. Prerably Netgear as their hardware has been excellent for me.
Doesnt need to be a router/switch/modem combo necessarily, but it is nice. I'm considering Netgear's 802.11B cable modem.. I dont really care about the additional speed of 802.11g.. it just feels cool.
I dont use it as a network, just for internet.


Oct 20, 2004
Hardware suggestions? What are you guys running?
Whats the best cable modem and router? (combined or seperate, I dont really care)

ive been looking into that this
only 802.11b, which is a shame.. becasue G would be much nicer if i ever did backups from one computer to another (but then I guess those "speed doubling" setups would be more useful).

if i go seperate and dont get that 802.11b unit, i might as well get all "speed doubling" equipment for that reason. i looked into dlinks "gaming router".. meh. not my cup of tea, to much hype. just give me 802.11b/g or at most, speed boosted G, and thats enough martitechure.


Oct 20, 2004
im looking at this little guy

and this

but its a shame that netgear does not make a double 108 PCI card so i can actually use it. :( otherwise i have to buy a PCI cardbus reader.. just the TOC up quite a bit.

Boy do I miss my netgear RT314, all this is what i get for trying to get updated.

i think for TOC, this will be hard to beat
But I'm giving up 802.11a/g, and probably getting a crappy cable modem (docsis 1.1 only).

it will work, where linksys has failed me.

i always thought they were supposed to be some kind of uber company (compared to netgear/dlink).. then Cisco bought them and it appeared like a safe bet.