Installing an Asus A7N8X in an Antec SX630II - Couple of cabling questions


Senior member
Apr 26, 2001
The contestants: Asus A7N8X Deluxe, Antec SX630II case, and a few Panaflo fans and connectors.

Front USB ports: The Antec manual says there are eight wires to connect front case ports to the front USB headers on the motherboard. No problem--except that I have nine wires. I have three ground wires, but only two ground pins. (There is also a "no contact" pin on the header.) What do I do with this extra ground wire? The other eight wires in the set line up fine.

The panaflo fans (BG Micro version) have a three-pin male plug if you take off the tail wires. With the tail attached the other end is two wire, red (plus) and blue (minus) and no wire for rpm.

1) To plug one into CHA_FAN1, am I correct in assuming that red (plus) = +12 and blue (minus) = ground?

2) I have three to four pin connector (from SVC) to plug another fan into a molex connector (red and black wire). Aside from an excess of wire, can I just plug the 3-to-4 pin converter (red and black) into the end of the red and blue wires (and the other end into a molex connector)? Otherwise I'm stuck with a male vs. male connection (fan vs 3-to-4 converter).



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
First of all, on the case wiring: The USB wiring for the case has those nine 1-pin plugs, and there are five with the numeral 1 in a circle and four with the numeral 2 in a circle.

  • separate the 1's from the 2's
  • look at the manual, page 31, we are targetting that USB header they show there.
  • Top row has five pins, so it gets the five pins with the numeral 1 in a circle. If the case is standing up with the mobo installed, then from left to right, the order of the Antec plugs should be:
  • +5V  -D +D Ground Ground
  • Bottom row has four pins, so it gets the four pins with the numeral 2 in a circle. From left to right, the order is the same as before, except there's just one Ground:
  • +5V -D +D Ground

So just recite the mantra Power, negative, positive, ground(s) and you're ok :D

Now about the fans. Yeah, red is positive. It should plug in easily only in the correct orientation, so the "blade" on the mobo (or the adapter) lies in the "groove" on one side of the fan's plug. I don't quite follow your #2 question,
this should plug into one of these just fine.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2001
Thanks! That second photo link doesn't come up.

Regarding the fan/molex adapter question, originally I had in mind that the 3-to-4 adapter was supposed to plug directly into the fan to replace the red/blue tail that it came with (which unplugs).

As the connectors proved me wrong, I assume I can just take the red and black (in my case red and blue) wires like you find in this photo and plug it into the red and black wires on the 3-to-4 pin adapter

I know I'm complicating a ridiculously easy question, but it never hurts to double check ;):D


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
RE:"Top row has five pins, so it gets the five pins with the numeral 1 in a circle. If the case is standing up with the mobo installed, then from left to right, the order of the Antec plugs should be"

The 5 th pin on the top row says contact. placing something on that will do nothing
One of the ground wires on the Antec is a combo ground wire.



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: Macro2
RE:"Top row has five pins, so it gets the five pins with the numeral 1 in a circle. If the case is standing up with the mobo installed, then from left to right, the order of the Antec plugs should be"

The 5 th pin on the top row says contact. placing something on that will do nothing
One of the ground wires on the Antec is a combo ground wire.
I know it says NC, but plug it in anyway :D I believe that's the "overcurrent" ground.