Installed Win2k Voodoo3 Drivers, now Win2k freezes at boot


Oct 17, 2002
I have a p3/500 w/256ram and a voodoo3 pci card. I installed Win2k and got it running smoothly. I didn't install any drivers and Win2k figured out that I had a Voodoo3 card. But when I tried to play Wolfenstein 3d, it gave me the "missing Open GL subsystem" error. So I went to Voodoo files dot com and searched for Win2k drivers for Voodoo 3. I found a file that said it was the Voodoo3 drivers for Win2k, so I downloaded it and installed it. Upon reboot, where is says "windows is starting up" it got to the very last part of the load meter and stops. Thats it. I tried booting into last known good configuration and it does the same thing, but if I boot to VGA mode, it boots up, so I know it has something to do with the drivers.

Does anybody know of any other drivers I can use? What can I do? (other than remove the voodoo3 card)