Originally posted by: hofan41
i asked a question and pcgeek11 had a great idea to just delete the winnt.sif file and the $OEM$ folder inside your dell cd, and make a boot copy of the rest of the files. if you dont know how to make a boot copy search yahoo for slipstream windows xp and follow the instructions on making a boot cd.
Originally posted by: RebateMonger
Microsoft has ALWAYS restricted the transfer of OEM licenses. But it wasn't until XP (and Product Activation) that Microsoft could ENFORCE its licensing restrictions.
When you buy a new Dell computer, you are likely paying $10-$20 for the Dell XP Home license. In exchange for the low price, Microsoft restricts the transfer of the license to another computer. It's a trade-off that gives people good, cheap PCs that they pass on to somebody else when they buy a new PC.
Dells and other large-OEM brands are not sold for their upgradeability. You buy them, use them, and get a new one when the old one breaks or reaches end-of-life.
Don't buy any PC without obtaining a working OS Restore CD. If you have to pay extra for it, then add that cost to the cost of the computer. A PC without a Restore CD is like a car with tires tthat you can't change. Eventually the tires will get a hole in them.Originally posted by: vo
I called Hp and they basically said I am SOL since it's out of warranty.