<<screw win2k, incompatible p.o.s. crashed every 30 minutes, win me has been beautiful, go with windows me>>
no shi@t man...win2k doesnt crash there pal, youre doing something wrong or you installed it wrong or you just dont have a clue how to operate a real OS...it isnt like win9x, it actually takes some know-how to use.
if you want full control over your OS, and if you want a stable OS, then stick with win2k.
i am also running a dual boot with win98se and win2k and i am also kindof itchin to try out winME, but not after reading problems on top of problems from several frequently visited boards about winME.
win2k hasnt crashed once and doesnt even need to be rebooted, and win98 is stable as can be...why mess up a good setup.