Incredibly hot! The ST20G5 is Finally Available


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001

This is definately the hotest thing to hit desktop PCs. Honestly, I believe the SFF wave is going too friggin slow as it seems there is no reason to buy a biga$$ case when you're only going to put a maximum of 3 cards in it, ever. I say we revolt and start it with the SB81P, ST20G5 and the Kloss KL-i915.

Zipzoomfly finally has the ST20G5 Shuttle case available. This is probably THE SFF to get.
The catch is ZipZoomFly has jacked up the price BIG time. It's going for $599. Considering the SN25P is a much superior system, the price is probably a placeholder to lure scmucks like myself to bang on their website until it's available.

Benefits the ST20G5 has over the SN25P: Dual vga/dvi outputs. Smaller force factor.

The big question mark is the chipset. The ATI Radeon 200 chipset has great potential but the only mATX mobo has no overclock capabilities.

I don't know about y'all, but as SOON as it comes in, I'm picking it up.. for less than $300 though. If


Edit: Added emphasis to title to show excitment

Edit: Census PC now offers the ST20G5 for $375 w/shipping. link. Still a little high for my tastes considering it's $100 more than the SN95G5 and $10 less than the more superior SN25P.
Mar 19, 2003
Holy crap....

I'd been looking forward to this one (if I decided that I did in fact want to go the SFF route) - but I seriously hope retailers don't price-gouge this thing like they have in recent months for high-end PCI-E video cards (but what are the chances of that happening?).

The big thing for me (well, one of them) was that this SFF has a regular PCI slot - I need that since I recently bought a PCI HDTV tuner (and there are no PCI-E ones on the horizon either). The DVI output is a nice addition. I'm probably not upgrading for another 2-3 months though (waiting for revision E A64's and the new video cards probably), so I guess we'll see how things settle down in pricing, if any, over that time...


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005
The "only" 240 and 250w PSU's in shuttle's have been running raptor raid and 6800GT's for the last year or so just fine.

Most of the high wattage recomendation is due to how crappy some desktop PSU's really are.

You may not be able to overclock a shuttle quite as high as you could a atx with 550w psu, if voltage really does become your limiting factor, but for a non insane OC or running near stock, the 240w will do just fine.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2004
Very suprised to see that this made it out before the Biostar A64.
Now when is the XP 64 shipping. I'm too lazy to setup another OS just 1-2 months after I get a system.

I hate the new P chassis from shuttle. It looks more like a wide mini tower then SFF.

Just noticed it's out of stock. ZZ and monarch are always listing things 3-4 weeks before they get them. Thats why I love Newegg. They list stuff when they can ship stuff. Not this crap.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2004
Can't wait, gonna get this as a birthday present to myself. Price has already dropped at census to 377. Just another week or two wait and hopefully it will be down to around 300.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2004
ZIPZoomFly finally has it in stock and they are still charging $600 for it.
I hope they don't get a single sell.

When is biostart 330 coming out?


Senior member
Jan 4, 2001
Bumping due to receiving "official" word from a shuttle representative that Newegg will be receiving shipments this week.