In your Opinion: Who won tonight?


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2000
Just an informal, 'what do you think'. Who won?

Who is the man with the fuzzy nuts after tonight?

For those who do not know what I am talking about I am refering to the Presendential debate.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
i would say gore 60%, bush 40%. bush didnt do TOO bad in my opinion, certainly not like all his quotes. the debates however, did strengthen my beliefs in gore.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2000
Bush, in my opinion, but I may be wrong as I was a bit distracted by the large amount of make-up caked on Gore's face tonite. Anyone notice that as well?


Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2000
Bush was already behind the polls, and I think this raised his credibility... On the other hand Gore in essence told Bush to stop "attacking" his character and he also brought up the College "Middle Class" Tax-deductible, while Bush never responded to, which hurt him. Gore seemed to target the individual more than Bush, though Bush still did... Gore brought up people that had life progress from Gore's reforms, which probably will help him in the social media circle.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Gore won

Smoother and has way better speaking skills. Bush sometimes stalls, thinks, looks puzzled, then says something.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Umm.. my take was that Bush looked better after it was all over with. Gore was very dorky and annoying, and pretty much couldn't respond to lots of things Bush said.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Gore is a better liar because he's pathological, he has no neck - and is utterly unbelievable.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
Here's what I got out of it:

I thought Bush really stumbled, fumbled, and bumbled at the start, but did better as the debate went on.

I thought Gore seemed much more knowledgeable and Presidential, but maybe a little too prepared; as in trying to repeat the same key phrases over and over.

I thought Bush sounded more convincing on the education issue and though I'm not for privatization of Social Security, I believe he made points with those leaning that way.

I thought Gore won on the question of foreign policy. He just listed all his experience in the House and Senate and on the National Security Council, nothing for Bush there. I actually felt embarrassed for Bush when Gore "educated" him on the Russian position in Yugoslavia.

I also thought Gore sounded more credible on the Medicare and Social Security (like I said, I'm against privatization) issues.

I don't think either one of them has a real plan to deal with the energy problem. Gore's talk about new technology and energy sources sounds good, but I notice he didn't give any details. When Bush talks about more domestic exploration, all I hear him saying is, "Yes, here's a great chance to give all kinds of tax breaks and free land and reign to my big oil cronies". Also, what he said about an abundance of coal is absolutely ridiculous. He said he was just in West Virginia, well that state is expected to be completely out of mineable coal in 15 years.

Both of them got on my nerves at times. If Bush said "fuzzy math" one more time I was going to throw the remote at the screen. Gore asked twice for him to come right out and say that he was lying about figures and all Bush would say is, "there's that fuzzy math again".

Gore got on my nerves with his beating the "tax cut for the wealthiest 1%" to death. ALRIGHT ALREADY! I heard you the first 10 times!

Bush lost points with me when he attacked Gore personally at the end, but it also did remind me of a time that Gore acted quite Clintonish. I thought Gore did a good job of coming right back with saying he would sign the McCain bill and challenging Bush to say the same and Bush wouldn't, but overall that part just left me not liking either one of them for it.

I think that the people who were all for Bush before the debate will still be all for him, but they'll hope that he'll be a lot more prepared for the next one.

I think the people who were all for Gore before the debate will still be all for him and rightly think he looked better in this one, but they'll know that the next debate is in an entirely different format, informal discussion, and it may not suit Gore's style as well.

I'm still not sure who I'm voting for. I'm not particularly excited about either one. I plan to watch all the debates.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
I think Gore definitely won this one. Bush stalled a lot more, was a lot less specific, and was always on the defensive for most of it. Bush could have taken an offensive stance, but didn't.

However there are two more, and I think in the more informal ones, Bush will do better.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 1999
Bush owned the start, HARDCORE.

Gore couldnt even keep up, he AVOIDED the question AND broke the "no opening arguement" rule by just putting it in his first answer.

But Gore got better, although he is lame.


Oct 14, 1999
i think fox won, because everyone else was doing the debates, and dark angel was on.


Platinum Member
Nov 24, 1999
Gore: He misplaced the truth quite often, i.e. he never visited the fires and flooding in Texas, and the little girl without a desk in school is bogus. Although it seemed he had command of the issues, well, he reminds me of an Amway salesman. His arguments are pre-packaged. He disgredarded the rules of the forum by (albeit indirectly) questioning Bush on issues which force Bush to use his time in defence. He was a prick with the constant moaning and gaffing while Bush was speaking.

Bush: Seemed clumsy. Got a bit better towards the end. Misplaced the truth about *all seniors* getting medical benifits in his plan. Looked like a human being and not an Alien Space Robot.

I just hope the media spends as much time on all the "mis-truth" in the debates (I feel that Gore won that category) as they do with the stupid kiss thing or Bush calling a reporter an A-hole.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2000
I think the country can survive Bush much easier that Gore. The debate was fairly even and I doubt many minds were changed. I wish people realized how much all of Gore's programs are going to cost.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Red Dawn,

you're beginning to sound like a broken record. Tape that thing together, flip it over and let us hear your chastisement of the bastard left-wing commie tree-hugging tax-and-spend bleeding heart liberals for a change. :p