Originally posted by: 3NF
I wish they would redo episodes 4 through 6. I never liked Mark Hamill as an actor.
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: 3NF
I wish they would redo episodes 4 through 6. I never liked Mark Hamill as an actor.
They have redone 4 through 6. Several times. Ever see the special editions?
Originally posted by: Jeff7
Anakin Skywalker did eventually bring "balance" to the Force. Sure, lots of Jedi wound up dying in the process, but, you know, no pain no gain. The midichlorians just have a twisted sense of humor.
Note, he didn't really bring balance to the Force - it was thrown way off balance, in favor of the Light Side. If it were balanced, you'd have your two Sith and two Jedi to match them. That'd be balanced.
Or one Jedi and another one made out of antimatter, with the Anti-Force not as his not ally. He's especially dangerous when wielding his Darksaber.
Originally posted by: Fox5
Oh, and George Lucas confirmed a while ago that Vader was meant to be the chosen one.
Yeah. A "great" and "powerful" Jedi Knight, and he loses to a Sith apprentice. Way to go.Originally posted by: JS80
one thing's for sure, quigon gin's a fvcking idiot
It's just a good thing that the Empire has such lax safety codes. Several hundred foot dropoff to a dangerous reactor? Yeah, I think that a small waist-high railing ought to be safe enough for that.Originally posted by: FoBoT
vader, duh
the only way for anyone to get close enough to the emporer to defeat him was for him to turn to the dark side and become his apprentice, that way he wasn't expecting it when anikan turned "good" again and whacked him
anikan was the chosen one
Well, yeah. The entire thing is a work of fiction, you know.Originally posted by: Queasy
I think Lucas was just making sh!t up as he went along...especially with the prequels. There was no cohesion and nothing that made sense between them and the originals. Hell, the animated series "Clone Wars" made more sense.