Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: fritolays
what is the best method?
I got a A in this computer class... and i enjoyed it. The TA'ing part seems easy too.
all the TA's of that computer class seemed like grad students though... I'm only in undergrad
but is it possible to get a TA position for that class? I'll try to get in contact with the professor soon
99.99% sure you need to be a graduate student.
It really depends on the university and the course. Here at RPI, some courses (mostly math courses) have only graduate TA's, while a large number of courses have both undergrad and graduate TA's. In the cases where there are undergraduate and graduate TA's for a course, the undergrad TA will generally help students out with labs or in-class work, while the graduate TA will do the same, but is also in charge of grading homework that the students turn in. Generally, the requirements for becoming an undergraduate TA for a class are that the course is actually looking for undergraduate TA's, and you must have gotten an A in the course.
I worked as an undergraduate TA for an Intro to Engineering Electronics course during the fall semester of my sophomore year. I would have continued with it for more than a semester, but in the spring semester, the professor picked juniors and seniors for the undergraduate TA's.
Best thing to do would be to talk with the professor of the course and find out if there are any undergraduate TA positions open for the course.