Imaging RAID 0


Junior Member
Feb 14, 2004
Does anyone have experience with any HDD imaging software packages that include support for RAID configurations, specifically RAID 0? According to a gentleman I spoke to at Power Quest (now owned by Symantec), Drive Image now supports RAID configurations including striped setups.

I'd like to be able to easily restore striped images across my two HDD's when one of the drives eventually fails and/or, corruption of the OS somehow occurs. I've wrestled with the idea of running RAID 0 + 1 but in the end, RAID 0's working just fine for me (while backing up important data to a 3rd drive).

My latest system:

ASUS P4C800E Deluxe
Intel 3.2 Ghz P4C (O/C: 3.6 with a 225 Mhz FSB)
Corsair TwinX 3700 (2x512 with timings: 3, 4, 4, 8, 4)
2 x Maxtor 80G Ultra Series SATA drives (awesome drive performance in RAID 0 config)
1 x Maxtor 60G Ultra Series ATA
ATI 9800 Pro
Antec True Control 550
Swiftec 478V Heatsink w/92mm Panasonic Panaflo fan (32c idle, 51c load ... very quiet!)
Klipsch Pro Media 2.1 (Mighty fine sound!)

Notes: I've had this system up & running for a couple days now and thought I'd offer a couple observations.
I made the move from a system which included an ASUS P4P800 mobo, an Intel 2.6 P4c (as well as a
3.2 P4c intstalled subsequently), ATI Radeo 9200, Apacer RAM (wity Infineon chips ... surprising performance!)
The only fault I found with the P4P800 Deluxe board was one related to audo (pops, clicks and other misc.
sounds that were not mixing well with my Klipsch speakers). The new board has so far been flaw free. I have
2 drives on the Intel SATA southbridge (RAID) controller. Now that RAID controller is free and clear of the IDE
channels, my benchmarks have improved upon impressive numbers that were generated on benchmarks
performed on the previous Intel SATA ICH5R setup (on a P4P800 Deluxe board). I was more than a little con-
cerned with some reported problems/issues surfacing around the P4C800 Deluxe, many of which involved
startup & POSTing difficulties (i.e., no screens, beep codes ... no nothing, other than the whirl of case fans).
Some post to newgroups made reference to faulty solder joints on the underside of the board near the base
of the CPU, apparantly a quality control/assembly matter that ASUS (hopefully) took care of. Blah, blah, blah!
Bottom line? This particular board's been flawless so far while mildly O/C'ed at 225 Mhz FSB. And the sound?
Simply wonderful (especially running through the Klipsch speakers)! No more tics, pops, odd (faint) back-
ground noises. So far, so good!




Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
We used Drive Image for the same exact thing at work when everything went haywire.

Works great, very expensive though AFAIRemember.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
As long as you can find DOS drivers for your SoftRAID card you should be able to use whatever software you want.