<<Unfortunetly to company that is doing this, Clear Channel, owns a ton of radio stations, including at least 3 in my area. 2 of those stations listen to regularly, so I am not hearing any of those songs.>>
Yeah, I'm beginning to really dislike how many radio stations they have. If consolidation is the only way radio can survive, I guess I can't complain though. I find it funny that (here at least) they say "Owned by Clear Channel Communications, a company bent on world domination." Not very funny since it seems so true.
I'm surprised "U2 - New York" isn't on the list. I believe it uses the words "religious nuts" in it when describing the city's population. <----Note: Sarcasm.
I guess I can understand them saying "Hey, might want to ease off on these songs for a while" because most of us don't even think about the lyrics until something like this happens. If they are officially banning them then I of course don't support that, but I can understand why they are releasing a list. It's best to tone it down a little on such songs for a while at least, just to not piss off too many people or add to their anxiety.