I'm so sick of being partly blind in my left eye now and then!


Jun 3, 2001
Yes I've been to a doctor.

Anyway, every couple weeks I wake up and for the entire day my left eye is all blurry. It's the same type of blurry when you rub your eye really hard, and you first open it and everything is blurry. Problem is, it stays like that all day for no apparent reason.

The only thing I've noted is it seems to be more common if I get a good sleep. Last night I got a wonderful 11 hours, and sure enough I'm half blind today.

Next day, I wake up, and it's back to normal. I can hardly read what I'm typing with my left eye right now.

Stranger yet, every two weeks on a different interval, it hurts to look different directions with only my left eye. It doesn't hurt looking straight ahead, but moving my eye hurts. This goes away after 2-3 days.

I see an ophthalmologist at the end of the month, and a CT in a couple weeks.

It's extremely annoying, as you can imagine.

Jun 27, 2005
First impression: MS

My highschool biology teacher had it. He discovered it one morning when he woke up blind.

His vision eventually recovered.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
First impression: MS

My highschool biology teacher had it. He discovered it one morning when he woke up blind.

His vision eventually recovered.

Damn, is Microsoft responsible for EVERYTHING?


Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
First impression: MS

My highschool biology teacher had it. He discovered it one morning when he woke up blind.

His vision eventually recovered.

This is actually a big concern of mine. I am aware it could be MS. I am 20, which is a common age for the onset I guess.

I have other symptoms as well. I'm on the wait list to see a GI for IBS, I have some bad problems to do with that.

I was complaining a few times a month ago about being strangely tired climbing a set of stairs. I put that on the 'I eat like crap and don't exercise' list, so I ignored it. Probably doesn't help my IBS stuff as well, the poor diet.

My doctor said if the CT and ophthalmologist can't pin point anything, I'm going to a neurologist for an MRI. He said it's unlikely it's MS with my symptoms in his opinion, but nonetheless we will go through the motions to eliminate it.

I'm looking at symptoms for MS, I qualify for a few more of them. Some I don't care to mention... but one is in the winter my hands get so freaking cold. I can touch people and they scream and jump, it is insane how cold they can get.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
First impression: MS

My highschool biology teacher had it. He discovered it one morning when he woke up blind.

His vision eventually recovered.

This is actually a big concern of mine. I am aware it could be MS. I am 20, which is when can start onset.

I have other symptoms as well. I'm on the wait list to see a GI for IBS, I have some bad problems to do with that.

I was complaining a few times a month ago about being strangely tired climbing a set of stairs. I put that on the 'I eat like crap and don't exercise' list, so I ignored it. Probably doesn't help my IBS stuff as well, the poor diet.

My doctor said if the CT and ophthalmologist can't pin point anything, I'm going to a neurologist for an MRI. He said it's unlikely it's MS with my symptoms in his opinion, but nonetheless we will go through the motions to eliminate it.

Good luck however it turns out. Not to freak you out, but I know people who have it and their initial symptoms sound eerily familliar to what you are describing.


Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
First impression: MS

My highschool biology teacher had it. He discovered it one morning when he woke up blind.

His vision eventually recovered.

This is actually a big concern of mine. I am aware it could be MS. I am 20, which is when can start onset.

I have other symptoms as well. I'm on the wait list to see a GI for IBS, I have some bad problems to do with that.

I was complaining a few times a month ago about being strangely tired climbing a set of stairs. I put that on the 'I eat like crap and don't exercise' list, so I ignored it. Probably doesn't help my IBS stuff as well, the poor diet.

My doctor said if the CT and ophthalmologist can't pin point anything, I'm going to a neurologist for an MRI. He said it's unlikely it's MS with my symptoms in his opinion, but nonetheless we will go through the motions to eliminate it.

Good luck however it turns out. Not to freak you out, but I know people who have it and their initial symptoms sound eerily familliar to what you are describing.

Sigh, I am not pleased to hear that. I've had two doctors tell me they think it's unlikely though, so I remain optimistic.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2001
Mine was the same way. Except it eventually turned really red. I had it 4 times in 9 months.

It's essentialy herpes of the eye. http://www.stlukeseye.com/Conditions/HerpesSimplex.asp

It can happen when you are really stressed and/or your Immune system gets weak. I think you just fought it off before it got to the other stages. Sometimes I would also. My bodies immune system was bady weakened from Mercury poison from my silver fillings. I was getting sicker and sicker every year. And then this last year I started getting all those eye infections too. I was getting scared that I was really really sick so I did a bunch of research. Had my fillings removed and now I feel tons better, healthier, and no more eye problems at all.

It's at least something to consider. It was the same way with the pain when looking in different directions. And blurry vision in the morning. And sometimes all day. One of these times your eye will probably get really red too.


Jun 3, 2001
Wow, that's strange. I have had really red eyes once or twice. I can't remember if it happened at the same time as this partial blindness or pain, though.

How do you contract that? My girlfriend would be mighty pissed if that's transmissable as an STD still, even though I've had no STD-like herpes symptoms.

I do occasionally get cold sores, although I haven't for a year or so..

Two doctors have looked at my eyes with the little eye microscope though, and saw nothing of interest.


Nov 23, 2001
A few short years ago I noticed one day that my right eye was a little blurry, whereas my left one was crystal clear (in terms of how they both saw things). However, that cleared up and now both are fine. I'm 38. I'm not sure what, if anything, that means.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
I had a minor infection in my eye about a year ago. I had absolutely no pain, but my right eye was acting up just like you are describing. Turns out that it was a thin layer of mucus accumulating on the surface of the eye (like puss or something). I went to the doc and got a scrip for antibiotic eye drops but I never used them, it cleared up by itself.

Good luck and hopefully it's something minor like mine.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2006
Originally posted by: iamaelephant
I had a minor infection in my eye about a year ago. I had absolutely no pain, but my right eye was acting up just like you are describing. Turns out that it was a thin layer of mucus accumulating on the surface of the eye (like puss or something). I went to the doc and got a scrip for antibiotic eye drops but I never used them, it cleared up by itself.

Good luck and hopefully it's something minor like mine.

Yea, i had that when i had conjunctivitus. When i cleared all the crap out of my eye it went away..

Maybe it only comes when you have a long sleep because it has time to build up?