Originally posted by: skyking
Cash is fine, so long as you can vouch that it all came from a bank, no counterfeits.
Get all his info off his drivers license. You'll need that for the seller's report anyway.
IF it really bugs you, have a friend there.
Originally posted by: NutBucket
EDIT: IRS paperwork?
Originally posted by: NutBucket
Well, OP still hasn't said how much money this transaction involves.
Originally posted by: skyking
the IRS paperwork is no problem. Nobody said you had to deposit it all at once, or even in the same bank account
Originally posted by: SuperSix
There's a TON of fake cashier's checks out there - make sure to call the issuing institution to check it's authenticity, using a phone number YOU obtain (yellow pages, 411, etc), not one the seller gives you.
I would only take cash, and if you're worried about the IRS 10k deposit limit - make 1, 2, or 3 deposits over a short time period.