awww man... you're goin to japan???? i wish i could go back to japan.... i loved it there.. maybe its cause i practically grew up over there...
anyways.. you're gonna love it.. everybody that i know that has lived there has loved it... the people are friendly, you're gonna see lotsa things over there that you've never seen over here, you dont need a damn car to go anywhere.. the train systems are the $ can go anywhere you want to pretty much by trains... shopping, to eat, sightseeing, tokyo disneyland, toshimayen (the best waterpark in the world)... if you're into clubbing and all that, there's a place called ROPPONGI, thats the name of the town... lots of "gaijins" (foreignors) hang out over there late at night.... clubs stay open til like 6 or 7 in the morning if you're ever up for that.. lotsa fine women.... drinkin age over there is 20 but its not really enforced whatsover at all.... there's also a hard rock over there....
and whatever somebody told you about finding clothes.. its not that hard to find clothes that will fit you... its just gonna be a lot more expensive...
food: BAMIYAN is a good restaurant to eat at, they're all over the place and they have a good selection of food for a great price... Yoshinoya ( i know they have it in california too but its not the same as it is in japan) is also a good place to eat it...
I dunno man.. you'll love it... if you need any more advice or anyting just pm me... hope you have lotsa fun...
oh yeah.. one more thing.. convenience stores in japan provide pretty much anything you need.. they're open 24 hrs a day and located at every fvcking corner in the entire country... so if you ever need anything and its like 2 or 3 in the morning, its not too late...