im looking at the asus v6800, any bad things to say about it? if so shich would you recommend for my system.


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
hey all, im thinking about buying one of these boards sooner or later but this is the board im loking at now. i dont need something that is as extreme as 64mb ddr but 32 ddr is alright i guess. i do minimal gaming(starcraft every other night and maybe some other few games, but not often) and some photoshop work...mostly web design and such. i like th features if the asus v6800 deluxe and i think it ould do nicely with my tbird 900(better than my monster fusion pci!) i like th dvd support but i havent really heard anything about this board, good or bad since the review here on anandtech. anyone have any experience with this card, if so how do you like it? would this be overkill for someone lik eme who likes to play games on occasion and does some graphic work? the prices havent gone down at all since ive been looking at them, about 6-8 months ago. they actually went up 10 bux as of late.should i look into the v6600 deluxe? its cheaper but how is the quality?

i appreciate your responses, tia


Oct 18, 1999
I have the 6800 deluxe version. I love this card! I bought last year, and yes, there are much faster geforce cards out now like the GTS2 and ultra but I have all the latest games cranked up to the highest possible settings and this card still rocks even though I only have a P3 650. I get 3900 3dmarks in the highest test mode without overclocking anything. I paid 300 when it first came out but it should be WAY cheaper now. Dont bother with the 6600 series as they are not DDR. If you can find it fairly cheap I say go for it.


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
well, at the moment the v6800 deluxe isnt cheaper than 200 on pricewatch...a little more than i wanted to spend at the moment but i will keep looking, and thanx for the feedback!



Golden Member
Aug 9, 2000
The asus v6800 is an original Geforce, am i right?

Well if it is then I would have to discourage you from buying it. If you really want a good graphics video card then go with a Radeon. Image quality is good and so is gaming. Win2k is what i'm weary about but ATI "should" have some new drivers out soon. If you're using applications such as photshop and illustrator then you should be fine even in win2k. When you spend alot of time infont of the computer it makes a HUGE difference in what you are seeing and i'm sure you'll be happy with the radeon's performance.

If you want to go a little extreme then get the matrox G400 max. It has the BEST image quality in the market today and for little gaming it should be sufficient. Don't expect alot of 3D performance from it though.

I still recommend the Radeon as your first choice 32MB DDR should be fine, unless you want the VIVO or AIW



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2000
I also have the deluxe version that I bought last spring. Nothing really bad to say about the card. The video capture is decent but I dont use it much since I prefer to use my ATI TV Wonder to do all my video capture duties. I have noticed that the 2d display is a bit better than some of the Creative, Leadtech,Guillemot gforce offerings. It sounds like the perfect gaming card for your situation. The 3d glasses seemed alittle hokey to me so I never set them up. My lowly P3 700 and Asus 6800 can handle any game at high resolutions with ease so I never saw the need to upgrade to the Gforce 2. The only thing I dont like is that Asus stop releasing driver sets for this card. The beta 5.33 was there last release and I would like to see a updated version. You can use Nvidia reference drivers but you will loose your video capture and 3d glasses and video out support.



Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
how are the 5.33 drivers working for you now? i would figure if the card was still high in price that they would still be working on drivers forit..huh. have any of you used it in win2k? how do the drivers work?



Diamond Member
May 1, 2000
raincity, NO u won't...depending on u install them...
u can use the reference drivers w/ the asus drivers and keep total functionality...i do it for various components of mine (i.e. mx300 drivers+vortex 2 reference = vortex 2 reference stability + EAX support w/ the better diamond taskbar program for nicer equilizer better (more) speaker setup options, etc.)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2000
The 533 work fine in both win98 and win2k . I run 6.47 reference drivers in win2k and 5.33 in win98. nortexoidwould you care to share how to use the Nvidia refence drivers and still keep the funcionallity of the video capture and video out and the 3d glasses support.


Mr. Burns

Senior member
Jan 6, 2000
I used this card with my 19" viewsonic flatscreen. Gaming performance is great, but the 2d quality was terrible. This is a common complaint about these cards. For your purposes, it sounds like you would be better served by a better quality 2d board, especially if you have a higher end monitor running at high resolution. Consider the ATI radeon or V5....



Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
now what exactly is considered 2d? photoshop files? text icons? or is this 3d as well?



Mr. Burns

Senior member
Jan 6, 2000
For 2d, I mean everything relating to 2d graphical environment (ie. windows). So yes, all of those things are included. With my 19" monitor, it was fine at resolutions up to 1024x768x32. Once you get higher than that the quality isn't up to par. This issue has been discussed and debated pretty extensively around here, so if you do a search you'll find alot of information.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
FINALLY, after waiting for over a year, is nVidia's Geforce coming down to acceptable price range..

before they had next to NOTHING in the Voodoo 3 price range (dirt cheap, yet alot of power for the $).. it got down lower then $100 Canadian a few times here.

but what I consider Acceptable, is about $150 to $200 Canadian. the Geforce MX is just barely above $200 where I live.