I am also in the barking dog situation, but the family that owns it doesn't speak English so the talk it over thing is out.
Think I got you beat.
My neighbor owns two German Shepherd bitches, who bark at ANYTHING within sight.....which, with the chain link fences in this neighborhood, means anything for at least 3-4 yards, in every direction! Even after two years in this house, they react to the sight of me as if I'm OJ Simpson, sneaking around with a big ol' knife in my hand, looking to do someone harm.
The neighbor in question is a retired Air Force Master Sergeant, which means you can't tell her squat, because she knows it ALL. When I asked her, soon after moving in here, if I could expect that kind of behavior from her dogs, all the time, she responded with these tidbits of advice/knowledge:
1. don't cross the fence line, not even with your hand; don't even hold out your hand on YOUR side of the fence. That way, you won't get bit.
2. her dogs, on a regular basis, chase down and kill anything that's in the yard, that's not family (i.e.-rabbits, mice, birds, etc).
3. They're just being
PROTECTIVE, so she doesn't see anything wrong with their behavior.
Seriously, I've thought about talking to the entomology guys on base, to see if I could "borrow" the next skunk they have to trap (sometimes they decide to wander into the hangars), and release it in her back yard. Might make for a pleasant surprise for those two idiot dogs of hers! :whiste: :twisted: