Alright, let me guide you before you train wreck this:
First off, remove the breadcrumbs. What were you thinking? Do you really want to dilute your burger with bread?
Second, it should be a single monolithic structure. By focusing on one delicious object, we remove some of the overhead such multi-burger recipes create. The ideal Volume to Surface Area ratio will become closer to perfection the larger our food gets.
Since you are posting on the internet, I am going to assume you are a male. As such, I will help you pick some manly toppings for your burger. Pick and choose from the list below. Remember, the more additives you pick, the closer we become to an ideal Volume to Surface Area ratio:
Macaroni & Cheese
Fried Chicken
Hot Dogs
Now for important cooking directions. First season your 2Lbs ground beef with around 2-3 pounds of carne asada. Obey the law and add some guacamole, since it is a crime to eat carne without guac. This is a good time to add part of the more liquidy condiments such as whiskey or chili into the ball of meat. Cook the ball, but make sure you keep it rare.
After the ball is cooked, add some of your picked ingredients along with some caramel to help keep things sticking together to the bottom bun. Make sure to squish it down tight. Smash the rest of the ingredients onto the top and cover with some more caramel. Dip into the deep fryer and your meal should be all set.