I'm getting a bit confused setting up my RT314's filters..


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I'm forwarding port 5800 to a certain computer. However, I only want 4 WAN IPs to have access to this port. How would I set up the filters?

Originally I was setting up a filter with 4 rules. Each rule was for 1 IP and if it matched it would forward the packet, and if it didn't match it would go to the next rule. Then the last rule would drop the packet if it didn't match. If it matters, I had the destination IP and subnet as, and the port as 5800.

But this won't work will it? What will the filter do with packets not from those 4 IPs? It will just forward them right through won't it? I'm getting a big confused here. :) Thanks for any help!

Edit: Also so you know, I applied the filter to the incoming LAN section. I assume that's right.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
that seems right... just make sure you remeber to set the port forwarding stuff (telnet menu 15... i think).

if you have an account elsewhere you can try telneting and telnet back on the port 5800 to see if the target computer gets a request on that port.

and you should double check that again by removing the rule (with the matching ip) to see if it can still get in or not.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
I do have the port forwared, and it works fine (I've been having a friend testing it). However, I can't get the filter to do a thing.

I just set the "more" section of the first three rules to yes so hopefully they'll all link together now. Where should I apply the filter?

In the instructions it says the WAN filters are in menu 4.1, but I don't have a menu 4.1 AFAIK. :( I have firmware v3.25. So where do the WAN filters go?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
There is a section where you must apply the filter sets to your incoming and outgoing connections. Your default filter sets are 1,2,3.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Thor86, what is that section called and how do I get there? I can find the LAN filter section easily, I just don't know where the incoming WAN filters go.


Senior member
May 25, 2000
Ok dude, it has been a while but I think I can help you out but first I need to verify a few things. I assume you are on an Ethernet Encapsulation rather than a PPPoE type connection? That makes a difference on the menu mapping. Also, just to make sure, you are trying to telnet in to a system on your LAN from 4 separate systems at another location on the internet (WAN)??
If this is what you are trying to do then the filter rule you are using will work. There should be one rule for IP address with the last rule dropping all other packets from any IP other than these four on port 5800. In other words, nothing can come in on port 5800 unless it is from one of these 4 IP's. Menu 21 is where you need to configure this rule. Menu 11.5 is where you apply this configured filter. Go to menu 11 and toggle down to "Edit Filter Sets" and select "Yes". This gets you to 11.5. You need to apply this filter by number in "Input Filter Sets", "Protocol Filters". I believe that there are no filters set up by default in this category with firmware v3.25 but if filter set 3 does happen to be there you will need to apply the new filter after set 3 and then edit that set to allow telnetting in from the WAN. After applying the filter set in 11.5 make sure that you back your way out by hitting "Enter" to confirm and not "Esc".
Run some tests from the outside to see if things are working correctly. If they are not, I seem to remember a screen under menu 24 that deals Telnet access from the LAN, WAN, or LAN & WAN. I am at work so I can't verify this.

Disclaimer: I have never actually set this up on my own system but this should get you going down the right path.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Thanks for the help! :) I actually just got it working about 10-15 mins ago. I dunno what I had wrong at first, but I changed it around some, and now it seems to be working great. I have the port forwarding on, but none of my friends can connect, so I think it's working. :D