Hey, just wanted to share my excitement, my latest project BitWise Chat finally has been officially reviewed on the web over at Vans Hardware! Nothing like seeing YOUR software on the web and receiving such praise!
BitWise Chat review at Van's Hardware
From the conclusion:
BitWise Chat is by Kevin Hock and Jon McKenzie, copyright 2002.
Article by Dave Graham, copyright 2002.
BitWise Chat review at Van's Hardware
From the conclusion:
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!Creativity is nothing without purpose. In BitWise, we have both purpose and creativity. On one hand, we have the BitWise ideals of minimal server interactions, direct connects, and ease of use. On the other hand, we have the creative use of function superceding form. Together, the whole is complete. Is the BitWise version I reviewed the final revision? Certainly not! BitWise has the advantage of having a small user base currently and the beauty of this is the ability to tailor the client to the user's needs. Consider it the "mandate of the people," if you will. The challenge in all of this is for you, the reader, to actively take it upon yourself to test, try and prove BitWise to be the chat program I have made it out to be.
BitWise Chat is by Kevin Hock and Jon McKenzie, copyright 2002.
Article by Dave Graham, copyright 2002.