Originally posted by: StinkyMojo
Let's say I slap in a 8800/R600 in the rig in my sig.. most likely a 8800GTS 320mb playing at 1680x1050 noAA/AF. Do you think my system will get torn apart by these games regardless of the vid card upgrade? I'm kind of worried about my cpu.
These games don't even have solid release days set yet. I definitely wouldn't worry about something that might not be released in the next 9 months.
That being said, for gaming at 1680x1050, I'd put any extra you were thinking about spending in a CPU upgrade toward the GTX (or, by that time, 8900gtx or even ATI's high-end). I can't say much about Alan Wake as I don't have much to compare it to... but Crysis is still an FPS and at higher resolutions a CPU upgrade might net you 5-10% gain, while the move from a GTS320 to a GTX would be huge.
Again, I'd wait to worry until at least demo benchmarks arrive. After all, there were people wondering what to upgrade their machine to in order to play STALKER back in 2003.