Illinois Dems advance gun control bills, firearms group warns of 'no exemptions' Rea

Abe Froman

Golden Member
Dec 14, 2004
""I've never seen a piece of legislation that tramples on so many court decisions"

"Illinois Senate Democrats advanced legislation late Wednesday to restrict semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines, pressing forward with new gun control measures in the waning days of the session over the objections of firearms groups.

Amid the developments, the Illinois State Rifle Association issued an “urgent alert” to its members warning them that Democratic legislators were trying to push through last-minute anti-gun legislation.

“There would be no exemptions and no grandfathering,” the group stated in its alert. “You would have a very short window to turn in your guns to the state police and avoid prosecution.”

A Senate committee approved two bills, one dealing with the weapons and the other with magazines. Democratic supporters could face a tough sell in the full Senate.

One measure would ban the possession, delivery, sale and transfer of semiautomatic handguns and rifles. People who currently own such weapons could keep them but would have to register them. The bill would allow semiautomatic weapons to be used at shooting ranges, but those facilities would be regulated.

National Rifle Association lobbyist Todd Vandermyde told lawmakers the bill would restrict about 75 percent of handguns and 50 percent of long guns in circulation today. He also said it would treat law-abiding gun owners like criminals, and is in conflict with Second Amendment rights upheld by the courts.
"I've never seen a piece of legislation that tramples on so many court decisions," Vandermyde said.

The other bill, introduced by Democratic state Sen. Dan Kotowski, would limit ammunition magazines to 10 or fewer rounds.

Those pushing for enhanced restrictions say stricter rules are needed in the wake of a string of high-profile mass shootings -- most recently the deadly school shooting in Newtown, Conn. Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn had been trying earlier this year to pass new legislation in the wake of the Colorado movie theater shooting, but lawmakers are taking another crack at it.
Kotowski sponsored legislation in 2007 that would have prohibited assault weapons and .50-caliber rifles. His bill made it through a Senate committee but died on the floor.

Another Democratic state lawmaker, Antonio Munoz, introduced the ban on all assault weapons “designed for war.”

Quinn has repeatedly tried to get stricter laws on the books but has fallen short.

The state Senate got back to work Wednesday. The House plans to return Monday. Both legislative bodies are working against a Jan. 9 deadline -- when the state’s new General Assembly will be sworn-in.

Gun manufactures in Illinois have already threatened to leave the area if laws limiting guns are put in place. ArmaLite owner Mark Westrom told that he’s been fielding offers from at least two others states to move his operation if gun control laws in Illinois are pushed through.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. "


Dec 18, 2010
I thought there were laws to protect the people from the government taking property without compensation?

And then the amount paid has to be fair market value.


Dec 9, 1999
Here's the absolutely most F'd up part:

Out of all the problems that IL faces, this is what they spend time on. Each Pol spending more than the 10 seconds it'd take to listen to what is being proposed and then offering an 'I am not wasting my time on nonsense like this' should be fired on the spot.

Seriously: Who else could be this incompetent at their jobs and still keep them?!?!?



Dec 18, 2010
One of the ideas this nation was founded on was the private ownership of property. No longer did the king of england own everything. The people could own property, and be safe from government seizure.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
How about IL fix their pension problem before they go after guns.

Taking guns away in chicago turned out so well for that city.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Saw the headlines this morning. Ridiculous is all I say. Sadly I think it will pass.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Saw the headlines this morning. Ridiculous is all I say. Sadly I think it will pass.

These bills typically die in the IL senate. There is a majority of Democrats in the senate however enough of them are actually from downstate areas that coupled with Republican votes means virtually all anti-gun legislation goes nowhere.

I wish the IL legislature would get off it's ass and tackle pension reform and pass gay marriage instead.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
These bills typically die in the IL senate. There is a majority of Democrats in the senate however enough of them are actually from downstate areas that coupled with Republican votes means virtually all anti-gun legislation goes nowhere.

I wish the IL legislature would get off it's ass and tackle pension reform and pass gay marriage instead.

Me too. So many more serious issues out there than gun control atm.


Dec 18, 2010
Me too. So many more serious issues out there than gun control atm.

Depends on your point of view.

My opinion on the gun control topic, lawmakers are worried about an adam lanza person attacking congress.

People are fed up. Lawmakers are worried that someone is going to snap and bring a mass shooting to the floor of congress.

Lawmakers are not worried about public health and safety, they are worried about protecting their own lives.

How many times will congress bailout wall street before someone does something about it? And law makers have that in the back of their heads.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
Depends on your point of view.

My opinion on the gun control topic, lawmakers are worried about an adam lanza person attacking congress.

People are fed up. Lawmakers are worried that someone is going to snap and bring a mass shooting to the floor of congress.

Lawmakers are not worried about public health, they are worried about protecting their own lives.

Of course congress always thinks of congress.

That is why the country is such a mess anyways

Abe Froman

Golden Member
Dec 14, 2004
These bills typically die in the IL senate. There is a majority of Democrats in the senate however enough of them are actually from downstate areas that coupled with Republican votes means virtually all anti-gun legislation goes nowhere.

I wish the IL legislature would get off it's ass and tackle pension reform and pass gay marriage instead.

I happily agree on gay marriage. It just seems as though IL media/gov't refuse to distinguish between gun & Gang crime and lawful firearm ownership. From what I read gun = all crime in IL.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I happily agree on gay marriage. It just seems as though IL media/gov't refuse to distinguish between gun & Gang crime and lawful firearm ownership. From what I read gun = all crime in IL.

Even if IL passed all the legislation in the world banning everything down to BB guns it wouldn't make any difference. Gun violence is merely a symptom of larger economic, educational, and social policy issues (drug prohibition mainly). Few people really want to talk about the root causes.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
they can try and it will get shot down by the courts.

it's amazing that IL is spending time on this when the state has major other issues.


Feb 6, 2002
Fair market value is a joke. You pay more in tax for cigarettes, than the things are worth. How about the tax on any one item will not exceed the value of the item. No I dont smoke. I think Cig Tax is an abomination.


Dec 9, 1999
Market value isn't important. Something has to be for sale for it to matter in value. Guess what? 99.something% of gun owners aren't wanting to sell their gun. So it doesn't matter what the value is, it's not for F'ing sale.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Here's the absolutely most F'd up part:

Out of all the problems that IL faces, this is what they spend time on. Each Pol spending more than the 10 seconds it'd take to listen to what is being proposed and then offering an 'I am not wasting my time on nonsense like this' should be fired on the spot.

Seriously: Who else could be this incompetent at their jobs and still keep them?!?!?


Dude, you're talking about Illinois politicians, think about it.


Dec 9, 1999
Dude, you're talking about Illinois politicians, think about it.

What can I say. Sometimes my mind freaks out and I actually expect them to do anything not F'd up with their time = our tax dollars. It just takes me a little bit to get back to my shrewd normalcy.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
They are faced with the dilemma of having to do something right now while the Newtown tragedy is still fresh in people's minds...if they sit on gun control too long people will forget and nothing will happen and the gun grabbers won't get their way.

It will be interesting to see if these measures pass, personally I wouldn't be suprised if both did...afterall the UK restricted semi auto rifles after a mass shooting and then later handguns after another.


Jun 30, 2003
They are faced with the dilemma of having to do something right now while the Newtown tragedy is still fresh in people's minds...if they sit on gun control too long people will forget and nothing will happen and the gun grabbers won't get their way.

It will be interesting to see if these measures pass, personally I wouldn't be suprised if both did...afterall the UK restricted semi auto rifles after a mass shooting and then later handguns after another.

and now their violent crime rate is double ours. nice job UK.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
and now their violent crime rate is double ours. nice job UK.

I am not advocating for that, rather quite the opposite...but just pointing out that they have to take advantage of this situation in order to steamroll any legislation through.

Personally I feel they should focus on standardizing approval processes and that is about it.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
No big surprise. The ruling state party in Illinois has proven, time and again, that when they're not ignoring the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, they're simply trampling it underfoot.

Bill passes, gets signed into law, gets challenged in court, judge puts a stay on it (so the state cannot enforce it), gets to SCOTUS, gets thrown out as un-Constitutional. Same old song and dance!

The fact that the voters in that state are willing to keep electing these ninnies, who waste their time and tax dollars, speaks volumes.