"I'll probably rent it when it comes out on video"


Jan 3, 2001
I thought I'd just save some space and summarize ATOT's review of every movie. We're a very tough crowd to please. :colbert:

Actually, a more accurate phrase would be "I'll just watch it when it comes to Netflix."
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
I still have a credit with the local movie rental place from December. I haven't seen anything that looks worth bothering renting, even by mail.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
On the odd occasion my wife and I go to the movies, we watch the previews and rate them... 'See it at the theater,' 'Wait for Netflix,' or, most recently... 'I'm busy that day.'


Nov 4, 2004
On the odd occasion my wife and I go to the movies, we watch the previews and rate them... 'See it at the theater,' 'Wait for Netflix,' or, most recently... 'I'm busy that day.'

In the odd occasion my wife and I go see a movie, we show up 15 minutes late and skip the previews :)


Oct 18, 1999
In the odd occasion my wife and I go see a movie, we show up 15 minutes late and skip the previews :)
Word. Last movie I saw was the hobbit, my son dragged me there. Previews were literally 1/2 an hour and the 3 hour movie. most tortuous 3.5 hours of my life. I miss good movies.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
On the odd occasion my wife and I go to the movies, we watch the previews and rate them... 'See it at the theater,' 'Wait for Netflix,' or, most recently... 'I'm busy that day.'

^^ Hehehe I have a similar system:
* Must go see it at iMax in 3d (super rare, maybe one movie a year)
* Must go see it at the movie theater
* Wait for it to go on sale on amazon for purchase (game of thrones, although not a movie, is an example - just picked up seasons 1 and 2 when they went on sale)
* Wait for it to pop up on Netflix

Apple Of Sodom

Golden Member
Oct 7, 2007
Why is everyone such a hard-ass? You can't just disconnect and enjoy a movie for what it is? You can't refrain from picking something apart for 90 minutes? Granted, there are some movies that I've turned off, got bored with, or just thought sucked, but for the most part I am easy to please when it comes to entertainment and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Warm Bodies, The Croods, Atlas Shrugged, Argo, Hotel Transylvania, Total Recall, House at the End of the Street, Hunger Games... just a few movies off the top of my head that I've seen recently that were all entertaining.

When watching a movie I'm not looking for something mind-blowing. I'm looking to be entertained and taken away for an hour or two. I'm suspending disbelief.


Aug 30, 2000
I can take it for what it is...but if I'm paying big bucks I want to see something good. The home theater lowers the standards.


Apr 23, 2000
I believe we already have a large thread where people rate movies they recently viewed.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
i haven't been to a theater in a long time, but it isn't because i don't like new movies coming out. it's because the movie experience in my home theater outweighs the experience in a theater by a long shot.

the sound quality is matched or better, the picture is probably equal, the seats are better, i can get alcoholic drinks when i wish, i don't have to see cell phone lights throughout the movie.

i rent a lot of things from redbox but for 3d movies im going to just purchase the ones i want. the cost of purchasing a movie now a days is cheaper than buying 2 tickets. that said, i will still see movies in the theater and plan on seeing some this summer season.

the only thing that i hate about it is waiting for things to come out on bluray. i do like the whole "dinner and a movie" night out with the wife though.

i love movies though and watched 4 this weekend - argo, zero dark thirty, seven psychopaths, and life of pi (2nd time watching it).


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Why is everyone such a hard-ass? You can't just disconnect and enjoy a movie for what it is? You can't refrain from picking something apart for 90 minutes? Granted, there are some movies that I've turned off, got bored with, or just thought sucked, but for the most part I am easy to please when it comes to entertainment and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Warm Bodies, The Croods, Atlas Shrugged, Argo, Hotel Transylvania, Total Recall, House at the End of the Street, Hunger Games... just a few movies off the top of my head that I've seen recently that were all entertaining.

When watching a movie I'm not looking for something mind-blowing. I'm looking to be entertained and taken away for an hour or two. I'm suspending disbelief.

The behavior you describe is more systemic than anything. People need greater and greater feats for the wow-factor. The same thing goes for video games, music, etc..

The video games nowadays are mind-blowing to me; then I'll go online and read a dozen comments about how so-and-so is garbage and can't write a story to save their lives, or how about x video game company released complete garbage, or how the music is the same sounding fart-noises from a year ago.

The fact of the matter is that most people, in the U.S. at least, have become extremely jaded. Something which was completely amazing 5 years ago is only ho-hum today. If you took "wrath of the titans" and showed it to moviegoers 30 years ago, it would have been frigging amazing. Back when I was a child I watched claymations, which sucked in comparison to the incredible CGI-fests of today's movies, and enjoyed them, played video games where you played the same board over and over again for hours, listened to music off of a cassette tape which degraded over time and sounded like garbage in comparison to today's FLAC files and CD's, yet I still enjoyed everything immensely.

When I watch movies, I also have to turn off my super-critical analytical thinking side and just enjoy the movie, and all of a sudden things aren't so damn crappy that forum goers and critics make them out to be.

Example: The newer Conan movie. Everybody online complained about how it sucked balls compared with the original, was a garbage movie with utterly craptastic writing, etc. - you know what I actually enjoyed it. I watched it without thinking about the first movie, or the comics, and just pretended it was a new movie in it's own little universe and it was a fun watch. Every single one of my facebook friends complained about how it paled in comparison to the original Conan movie.

Same thing goes for Tron, I thought the new Tron had the best movie sound track I ever heard. I even went out and bought the soundtrack and listened to the CD by itself, but all these people complained the movie was crap. I could go on and on, but it amounts to people being so damn jaded that they just can't find enjoyment in anything anymore, and just live out their lives in a shallow existence of everything sucking, until they get that brief glimpse of happiness again when something completely new comes along, then *poof* the happiness is gone again. As if it's only a fleeting moment, something you can never truly hold on to for any length of time.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Why is everyone such a hard-ass? You can't just disconnect and enjoy a movie for what it is? You can't refrain from picking something apart for 90 minutes? Granted, there are some movies that I've turned off, got bored with, or just thought sucked, but for the most part I am easy to please when it comes to entertainment and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Warm Bodies, The Croods, Atlas Shrugged, Argo, Hotel Transylvania, Total Recall, House at the End of the Street, Hunger Games... just a few movies off the top of my head that I've seen recently that were all entertaining.

When watching a movie I'm not looking for something mind-blowing. I'm looking to be entertained and taken away for an hour or two. I'm suspending disbelief.

i am with you, and i've seen 1/2 the movies you listed and liked all of them a lot (argo, total recall, house at the end of the stree, hunger games), but i can see why people are hesitant with the price of tickets now a days.

a 2d movie for my wife and i on a friday night at the good theater is close to $30 for just the tickets. then if you wanna get a snack to share or something (drink + food) you are looking at another $10.

if you aren't in a hurry to see it, you could pay less than $2 to watch it at home a few months down the road. and if you really like movies, that can add up to a lot of money saved.


Jan 3, 2001
i haven't been to a theater in a long time, but it isn't because i don't like new movies coming out. it's because the movie experience in my home theater outweighs the experience in a theater by a long shot.

the sound quality is matched or better, the picture is probably equal, the seats are better, i can get alcoholic drinks when i wish, i don't have to see cell phone lights throughout the movie.

i rent a lot of things from redbox but for 3d movies im going to just purchase the ones i want. the cost of purchasing a movie now a days is cheaper than buying 2 tickets. that said, i will still see movies in the theater and plan on seeing some this summer season.

the only thing that i hate about it is waiting for things to come out on bluray. i do like the whole "dinner and a movie" night out with the wife though.

i love movies though and watched 4 this weekend - argo, zero dark thirty, seven psychopaths, and life of pi (2nd time watching it).

If you haven't been to a theater in the last 4-5 years, try going again. A lot of theaters have nice reclining seats, awesome sound setups, huge screens, and even bring snacks to your seat. The down side: a family of 4 can easily cost $80 for food and tickets.


Jun 23, 2005
The problems with movie theaters is all the best movies come out in like two months of the year. When the holidays start, there will be more to see than you can shoe horn in to a few weeks. Then it's a drought of nothing but trash for half a year. Then Summer starts and it's back to a ton of movies smashed into a small window. Then it's dead until the holidays again.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
If you haven't been to a theater in the last 4-5 years, try going again. A lot of theaters have nice reclining seats, awesome sound setups, huge screens, and even bring snacks to your seat. The down side: a family of 4 can easily cost $80 for food and tickets.

i've been to a theater within the past 6 months, which is a long time for me. i used to go like once a month or so.

my home theater has nicer reclining seats, probably a better sound setup, and a huge screen. and i can make my own snacks and drinks as well :)

and yeah the cost can get up there, especially for 3d movies. i bought life of pi and hobbit both in 3d for $28 on amazon. probably would have cost my wife and i $32 or so, just for entrance, to see it in the theater. i've decided that im going to just buy 3d movies i want in 3d and rent the rest from redbox, unless it is one that i really like and will watch multiple times.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
I don't go to the theater a lot and when I do its a family affair for some dumb family comedy. I like movies though and buy a lot through amazon or Netflix DVDs. The only movie I didn't like recently was the hobbit. I gave up a little under 2 hours in. I really just need some friends :(