I've seen every episode of family guy sans for the last current season or so. I think I'm "over" it. While I do think it was better pre cancellation than now, I don't think it was ever brilliant. Every once in a while the show gets a laugh out of me, like Brian wondering aloud why a chalk board is in the living room. (in the BTTF parody episode) but by and large it's just kind of "meh". I view the simpsons as being about in the same state as FG currently.
But now that I re-watch the early 90's episodes that FX marathons, I have a far greater appreciation for the show than I did when I watched them the first time they aired. It was... how to describe it. Emotional? Resonating? "Homer and Delila" for example. When Homer trots out with child like glee at his new hair, it is the quality that makes his character forgivable for all his antics. The part where his fortunes turn sour the moment he loses the hair is a cynical parody of the notion that "It's always on the inside that counts" and when he's devastated at the loss, is comforted by Marge in an endearing way. It all seemed almost powerful in hindsight. Family Guy never quite got that good, even in its prime.