shiner Lifer Jul 18, 2000 17,112 1 0 Dec 28, 2000 #1 What would you do? WHAT WOULD YOU DO???? Think about it. This has been a public service announcement brought to you by The United Federation of Beer Drinkers Only you can prevent beer spillage.
What would you do? WHAT WOULD YOU DO???? Think about it. This has been a public service announcement brought to you by The United Federation of Beer Drinkers Only you can prevent beer spillage.
T thereds Diamond Member Apr 4, 2000 7,886 0 0 Dec 28, 2000 #2 your post is mind boggling to say the least.
S SuperGroove Diamond Member Dec 17, 1999 3,347 1 0 Dec 28, 2000 #3 /me runs to keg. Breathes sigh of relief. I'd shoot myself. I'd rather die than have to tell everyone the keg was leaking. /me hugs keg. I LOVE YOU! YES I DO! OH YOU'RE the CUTEST, SILVER,COORS KEG EVER! Yes you are! OH yes you are!
/me runs to keg. Breathes sigh of relief. I'd shoot myself. I'd rather die than have to tell everyone the keg was leaking. /me hugs keg. I LOVE YOU! YES I DO! OH YOU'RE the CUTEST, SILVER,COORS KEG EVER! Yes you are! OH yes you are!
O Optimus Diamond Member Aug 23, 2000 3,618 0 0 Dec 28, 2000 #5 Block the leak with my digestive system?
nullshark Platinum Member Oct 28, 1999 2,235 0 76 Dec 28, 2000 #6 I don't have a keg, I have a six-pack
S shiznut123 Banned Dec 22, 2000 2,954 0 0 Dec 28, 2000 #9 i wont set on fire, unless there is whisky in there
T toph99 Diamond Member Aug 25, 2000 5,505 0 0 Dec 28, 2000 #11 shiznut123, it may be worth a try anyways /me looks for his oxy-aceteline(spelling? ) torch