Only for a day, not from birth, and have that day on a Lesbo Porn shoot.
I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body...Only for a day, not from birth, and have that day on a Lesbo Porn shoot.
lolwut?If you think women have ever had it easier, you're kidding yourself....
Try getting a job as an elementary school teacher if you're a man. It's impossible.
I'd change gender and be a woman for the next go around if and only if I get to keep my memories. And if I get to be hot.
How many US Presidents were female? How many fortune 500 CEOs?
bwhahahahaah came here to post this!I would be a woman and spend most days feeling my tits and seeing how many foreign objects I can fit in my fanny at once.
Personally I think women have it easier at the moment, well only if you are average+ looking.
I believe PMS and menstruation negates all of your arguments.lolwut?
Try getting a job as an elementary school teacher if you're a man. It's impossible. In some places, it's literally impossible; officials go on record stating they will not hire men for these jobs. As a man you also have exactly 0% chance of gaining custody of your kids even if the mother is addicted to meth and tries to stab a police officer. As a man, you can be forced to pay child support for a baby you don't want. If you were a woman, you could coat hanger that sucker and that's the end of it. As a woman, you can use your flirting powers to get ahead in the engineering world. As a man, I'm totally fucked because there are no women in my field and I hate talking to men because they piss me off and I'm not attracted to them. Women also benefit from lower car insurance rates, lower health insurance, lower life insurance, longer life expectancy, and higher overall happiness. When couples get divorced, divorced women tend to do a lot better than divorced men. Divorced men suffer from higher rates of depression than divorced women.
Hmmm.... menstruation does suck, i could do without it, but not every woman suffer PMS. Believe it or not Mr. RipleyI believe PMS and menstruation negates all of your arguments.