Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Screw making a commercial, I?m going to go all in and make a documentary!
First, I?ll round up a picture of
Kerry with a gun. Then I?ll find a picture of some dead kittens. I will use some fast editing to switch between these two pics on camera. In the background, I?ll play some ominous music, like the Imperial March from Star Wars, or maybe some stock sound clips from Hitler or Charles Manson. And I?ll do a real sad-sounding voice over like ?
We don?t know if Kerry just hates kittens or if he is just afraid of them, but we do know this: these kittens are dead and can never come back (cut to shot a cute little girls crying)
and these sisters will never know the joy of playing with these kittens again.? I?ll do this over-and-over again, taking two ?facts? and stitching them together haphazardly to imply something sinister.
Then I?ll market my film as a ?documentary? and maybe win some awards! I?ll get really rich, but still wear old-looking clothes and a cap in public. (I?ll of course have a very nice house).
Everyone who already hates Kerry will love me, as I am just feeding their partisan frenzy. People may try to discredit my work by pointing out that the correlation between Kerry and the kittens is absurd. They?ll have such ?evidence? as documents showing that the picture of Kerry was taken 12 years ago, but the kittens died last week. They?ll have footage showing that Kerry wasn?t even within 800 miles of the state the kitten were in at the time of death. And I?ll just sit back and say ?Blah, blah, blah. I have facts. You can?t deny the facts. You are all just brainwashed sheep. Blah, blah, blah.? I?ll then call anyone who disagrees with me ?un-American? and write
letters, criticizing them for blatant disregard for the 1st amendment, even though I am the one who has very little working knowledge of civil rights.
It?ll be great, I tell ya!