If you complain about gas prices I am going to stick a gas pump up your *** and ligh


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000

I too am really tired of all these idiots complain about high gas prices... I drive a toyota echo that gets 44 mpg -- It's your choice people -- wanna be a dumb fuck that drives a suv that gets 9 miles to the gallon? FINE! STOP your complaining. I'm also tired of hearing republicans cry and try to find an argument for "alternative energy" ... Alternative energy is the FUTURE! Let's get with the program.

Title contains profanity, editing title to remove profanity.

Original Title: If you complain about gas prices I am going to stick a gas pump up your ass and ligh

Edited Title: If you complain about gas prices I am going to stick a gas pump up your *** and ligh

Administrator Idontcare
Last edited by a moderator:


Feb 5, 2011
Only a few minutes in now, he's right, but many of us have been saying this for a long time. I have no sympathy for people complaining about gas prices now, since they've been on the rise for many, many years. People who are driving gas-crap cars now are doing it because they just didn't care/were wantonly ignorant of the possible high gas prices when they bought it.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001

I too am really tired of all these idiots complain about high gas prices... I drive a toyota echo that gets 44 mpg -- It's your choice people -- wanna be a dumb fuck that drives a suv that gets 9 miles to the gallon? FINE! STOP your complaining. I'm also tired of hearing republicans cry and try to find an argument for "alternative energy" ... Alternative energy is the FUTURE! Let's get with the program.

But this is AMERICA, dammit! I must be protected from the consequences of my own stupid decisions! When I bought way more house than I could afford, I expected the gov't to create a program to help "distressed" homeowners such as myself! Last time I bought a gas-hog SUV, the gov't passed Cash for Clunkers, so I could trade it in for more than it was worth! I'm busy spending all my income now instead of saving for retirement, because I expect Social Security to bail my stupid butt out when I'm old and poor, and I expect Medicare to pay for my medical expenses, because I have a right to medical care! I also have a right to cheap gas, so Obama better do something! You can't expect me to act like a responsible adult now!


Jul 2, 2005
I have no problem with people having to live with their choices, and pay high gas prices if they made a choice to purchase a vehicle with poor gas mileage. I DO have a problem with an administration that has admitted that it is not interested in lower energy prices and in fact WANTS higher gas prices to push an agenda. In that sense, consumers have every right to be angry at obummer and his minions for the high gas prices.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I have no problem with people having to live with their choices, and pay high gas prices if they made a choice to purchase a vehicle with poor gas mileage. I DO have a problem with an administration that has admitted that it is not interested in lower energy prices and in fact WANTS higher gas prices to push an agenda. In that sense, consumers have every right to be angry at obummer and his minions for the high gas prices.

"obummer and his minions for high gas prices" Now there's some indications of rational thinking.


Apr 8, 2002
I can see it already. The federal govt requiring people buy a high mileage car or face a penalty. Afterall, people driving low mileage cars are affecting the gas prices for the rest of the country. If Obamacare is upheld the benefit of big govt will be limitless!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999

I too am really tired of all these idiots complain about high gas prices... I drive a toyota echo that gets 44 mpg -- It's your choice people -- wanna be a dumb fuck that drives a suv that gets 9 miles to the gallon? FINE! STOP your complaining. I'm also tired of hearing republicans cry and try to find an argument for "alternative energy" ... Alternative energy is the FUTURE! Let's get with the program.

The world doesn't revolve around you and what you are tired of. Neither your delicate feelings nor your importance in the great scheme of things will inspire some world movement to bring prices lower or alter the number of folk who will complain. Sorry to bring you this news. Three cheers for you and your Toyota. Some folk drive 9 mile per gallon vehicles because they need them for a living and the high price of gas hurts them badly. Try to have some sympathy. And if you are going to cry about the stupidity of Republicans you are going to die of dehydration. Try to relax. Women are beginning to figure out who those assholes really are.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Look - some people do actually need to drive something other than an econo/sub compact car. A lot of factors can come into play. I also think people overstate how much it costs them per year. It costs me less than $900 a year more to drive my SUV than if I drove my wife's honda civic. I am willing to pay $900 for the additional carrying capacity that gives me (and I use it frequently - enough to start evaluating the cost of getting a pickup truck in 5 years)


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I can see it already. The federal govt requiring people buy a high mileage car or face a penalty. Afterall, people driving low mileage cars are affecting the gas prices for the rest of the country. If Obamacare is upheld the benefit of big govt will be limitless!

Another rational thinker enters the thread. Remember, when the government makes you buy a high mileage care you will have the option to rebel by punching a hole in your tank. Relax and try to be sane. You will still be able to buy gas and throw it out the window.
Sep 7, 2009
compare gas to the price of bread, milk, grains, and everything else in life and it's pretty obvious that gas is primarily tied to inflation.

This earth of full of idiots, I swear. Everyone jumps and screams about the stupidest crap while ignoring the actual problems around us.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
compare gas to the price of bread, milk, grains, and everything else in life and it's pretty obvious that gas is primarily tied to inflation.

This earth of full of idiots, I swear. Everyone jumps and screams about the stupidest crap while ignoring the actual problems around us.

The price of gas is being driven by speculation on wall street or so I hear.


Aug 2, 2001
compare gas to the price of bread, milk, grains, and everything else in life and it's pretty obvious that gas is primarily tied to inflation.

This earth of full of idiots, I swear. Everyone jumps and screams about the stupidest crap while ignoring the actual problems around us.

Really? So in 2008 we had massive global deflation when oil went from $150 to $30 on 6 mos?


Nov 11, 1999
The best way to complain about high gas prices is to use less of it, both short & long term. So long as aggregate demand prevents over-inventory, speculators will drive up the price against a near vertical demand curve. Do people actually buy less gas when the price goes up? Not by much- they just whine about it more.

Alternatively, limits on speculation could be implemented, but that wouldn't follow sacred free market principles, now would it? Of course not. We need to realize that stable prices & a financialized free market are incompatible.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
... Alternative energy is the FUTURE! Let's get with the program.

maybe a mandate by the EPA as to what kind of cars people buy, perhaps a penalty if people don't buy a certain transportation product would be a good way to nudge people into the type of behavior you wish of them , so they 'get with the program'

just sayin'


Senior member
Aug 20, 2001
I drive a 6cylinder accord and I average 20mpg. Could care less about the impact of rising gas prices - doesn't make a difference to me personally.

That said rising gas prices impact on food and other goods like that could impact a majority of the population. Particularly the poor. And driving a fuel efficent car won't matter much for them in that scenario.


Jul 2, 2005
Only idiots think the impact of high gas prices is limited to paying more at the pump. Paying more at the pump is one impact, and for a lot of people it can be significant, but there are many more impacts, it ripples through the economy. The price of pretty much all goods and services is impacted by high energy/gas prices. Buying your environment-damaging prius or other junk could help you save some $ at the pump, but it won't change anything about all the other impact of high gas prices.

It's easy for someone in a city who is single to say "I drive this little econobox, everyone should!", but that little econobox isn't going to do much for someone with a family of 6 who needs to haul kids and stuff back and forth. Typical myopic thinking. I don't need a large vehicle, but there are plenty of people who need something bigger than a crappy little car, and high gas prices disproportionately impact the poor.


Apr 30, 2004
I can see it already. The federal govt requiring people buy a high mileage car or face a penalty. Afterall, people driving low mileage cars are affecting the gas prices for the rest of the country. If Obamacare is upheld the benefit of big govt will be limitless!

The government has been forcing people to pay into social security and medicare for decades, so that ship sailed a LOOOOOOONNNGG time ago.

Hey, with Obamacare, at least the money is going straight to the job creators of Big Health, instead of the government, right? Shouldn't that make you happy?


Apr 8, 2002
The government has been forcing people to pay into social security and medicare for decades, so that ship sailed a LOOOOOOONNNGG time ago.

Hey, with Obamacare, at least the money is going straight to the job creators of Big Health, instead of the government, right? Shouldn't that make you happy?

Medicare and SS are private industry in what way? Their legality however is a completely different subject that Obamacare which is forcing a private citizen to buy from a private organization.

Why would that make me happy? I dont like seeing that kind of federal expansion of power. I could care less about the job creation this legislation may or may not stimulate in the health industry.

The precedent however if it stands is anytime one segment of the population is engaging in behavior in a market that is detrimental to another a law can be passed to force that segment to buy something or face a penalty. Welcome to America in the 21st century, home of the free.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I can see it already. The federal govt requiring people buy a high mileage car or face a penalty. Afterall, people driving low mileage cars are affecting the gas prices for the rest of the country. If Obamacare is upheld the benefit of big govt will be limitless!

You of course realize that under current US law the government could just raise taxes and then buy high mileage cars for everyone instead of having you buy one yourself. There is already zero limit on the government's power to do this. So don't worry, those benefits of big government have already been here for decades, if not centuries.

EDIT: To reflect your above post, and as sort of a reiteration of my post in another thread, can you explain to me how this is an outrage on liberty? The government has the power to take your money and buy you something from private industry with it, but you are saying they don't have the power to have you expend the same amount of money on private industry yourself. If anything, the ACA is a less coercive use of federal power than what already exists.
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No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
My issue is if you think that gas prices only effects people that drive idiotic cars then you are a idiot.