It's only possible because man and dinosaurs actually walked the earth at the same time.
Check and mate,evolutionistsChristians.
Jesus named them, duh!If the dinosaurs died over 65 million years ago, how can they have Greek/Latin names?
Doesn't make any sense unless the Greeks and Romans had time machines.
How does the Big Bang have an English name?
If the dinosaurs died over 65 million years ago, how can they have Greek/Latin names?
Doesn't make any sense unless the Greeks and Romans had time machines.
If the dinosaurs died over 65 million years ago, how can they have Greek/Latin names?
Doesn't make any sense unless the Greeks and Romans had time machines.
Dinosaurs are like cats, it does not matter what you call them, they will never come to you.
The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program
....or they had a really really good one.