If it doesn't come from a cow, you can't call it *milk*!


Feb 7, 2001
Basically the milk industry is pissed because they see soymilk as threat. To combat this, they say the government shouldn't allow soymilk to be called *milk* because it doesn't come from a cow.

From 20/20

<< In February the NMPF filed a trade complaint with the United States Food and Drug Administration asking it to take appropriate enforcement action to prevent soymilk from being called milk. The NMPF claims that federal regulatory standards clearly limit the use of the term milk to the product that comes from dairy cows.

Currently soymilk is packaged like regular milk and sits next to it on the shelves of dairy isles in mainstream supermarkets.

However, although it looks and tastes similar to cow milk, it is produced from beans.

&quot;Soy-based beverages are attempting to directly compete with dairy products and are inappropriately taking advantage of the familiarity and positive image of dairy terminology in their labeling&quot; says Rob Byrne, NMPF vice president of Regulatory Affairs.

&quot;We don't want them using milk's good name for their product,&quot; he says.

On the other hand, soy industry officials respond by explaining that milk is a generic word which is attached to many products, such as Milk of Magnesia.

And an examination of history shows that the term is far from new. It was actually used in ancient China and the earliest reference in Europe was in 1665.

Consumers should simply be allowed to choose the product they prefer and the milk industry ought to be faced with the same market place pressures and challenges as all other businesses.

The milk industry's political action committees give millions to politicians every year and seem to expect protection, such as government price fixing deals which raise the cost of milk for consumers.

Soy milk has many positive qualities which make it a competitive product.

Many people like its taste and it may even be healthier than cow milk. It has as much calcium, but less saturated fat and salt. And last year the FDA said that soy products could be labeled as food that helps lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Also, some people who have various food allergies or are lactose intolerant can comfortably drink soymilk. >>


Feb 7, 2001

<< so breastmilk would be...? >>

I guess if you bottled breastmilk and try to sell it, you couldn't call it milk.


Feb 7, 2001

<< the milk industry shouldn't be pushing their luck. as it is, they're in for a rude awakening... Milk story >>

<< Government manipulation of milk prices began in 1937, when New Dealers set out to create a dairy industry in every state by establishing minimum prices. But since then technology has brought us refrigerated railroad cars and interstate highways that make it possible for cheaper Midwestern milk to be transported everywhere. Nonetheless, federal dairy subsidies are still determined by an arcane formula under which the subsidy increases in relation to how far the producer is from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Why Eau Claire? It was the hub of the dairy industry--in 1937. >>

LOL. :) Why doesn't this suprise me?


Senior member
Feb 18, 2000
IMHO, there should be a standard for &quot;Milk&quot;.

Just so that other items dont get added and marketed as milk. I sure want to have read every carton of milk I buy to find out that it has goat, soy, palm or other additives.

I see nothing wrong with letting them modify the name to such things as &quot;Goat Milk&quot;, &quot;Soy Milk&quot; . &quot;New Milk&quot;, etc, but just &quot;MIlk&quot; should stay just &quot;Milk&quot;.

I have not tried Soy milk, but I have read dozens of Usenet posts that classified soy milk as &quot;gross&quot;. Contrasting to the statemnt in the article that they are similar in tatse.


Feb 7, 2001
<< IMHO, there should be a standard for &quot;Milk&quot;. >>

I can agree with that, but from what I saw on 20/20 last night, they don't want &quot;Milk&quot; written anywhere on the package. Not even &quot;Soy Milk&quot;.


Platinum Member
Apr 29, 2001
Would you classify coconut milk as milk?

Soy milk is awful tasting stuff anyway.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
As someone said, Soy Milk tasts like crap. Ugh that stuff is nasty, doesn't matter which flavor it is. Alot of laws are arcane, the most arcane are ones that involve ag.


Jul 24, 2000

<< As someone said, Soy Milk tasts like crap. Ugh that stuff is nasty, doesn't matter which flavor it is. >>

You're wrong. It doesn't taste 'like crap', it tastes different from cow milk. The first time I drank soy milk, I didn't like the taste either. After a few litres ( ;) ), however, I learned to appreciate the taste. It has a certain taste which takes some time to get used to, after that you'll like it more than cow milk. I don't even drink cow milk anymore (not pure).