- Apr 2, 2001
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Dear Cecil:
Two related questions: As a cat owner, I've been a little concerned recently about rumors that cat poop can cause schizophrenic behavior in people who are overexposed to the waste. How much truth is in this--and if there is any truth to it, what amount can possibly count as overexposure? I'm also bothered by the supposed risk to pregnant women that changing the litter box can cause--not so much to them as to the fetus, through bacteria and whatnot. If that's really true, then with a third of all Americans owning cats, why don't we see higher rates of these dreadful birth defects? Certainly some of these women must get pregnant sometime, and I doubt they all know the dangers posed to them by cleaning up what Puss left behind. What gives? --Onnie in Baltimore
Cecil replies:
Buckle up, friend. This one's bizarre.
While you're surely right that not everyone has gotten the word, the medical profession and hopefully most women of childbearing age know that if you're pregnant you don't want to get near cat feces. The problem is the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, for which cats are the principal host. The microscopic parasites reproduce in the cat's gut, the eggs are excreted, and by a process I'm not about to describe the critters wind up in your brain and muscles, where they create tiny cysts, leading to a condition known as toxoplasmosis. Unpromising as this sounds, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are generally mild to nonexistent in adults, which is good, because roughly a third of all humans are infected, with the rate in some tropical countries approaching 100 percent.
For some, though, things are less benign. If a woman initially becomes infected while pregnant, there's a fair chance the T. gondii will migrate across the placenta to her unborn child, with ghastly results ranging from cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation to death. Women infected prior to pregnancy don't run the same risk, which no doubt explains why we haven't seen an epidemic of toxo-induced birth defects--the parasite's ubiquitousness confers a sort of immunity. I've seen no research suggesting there's a threshold exposure below which there's no danger, and in my opinion it'd be foolish to assume there is one. Besides, you'll never get a better excuse to make somebody else clean the litter box.
Two related questions: As a cat owner, I've been a little concerned recently about rumors that cat poop can cause schizophrenic behavior in people who are overexposed to the waste. How much truth is in this--and if there is any truth to it, what amount can possibly count as overexposure? I'm also bothered by the supposed risk to pregnant women that changing the litter box can cause--not so much to them as to the fetus, through bacteria and whatnot. If that's really true, then with a third of all Americans owning cats, why don't we see higher rates of these dreadful birth defects? Certainly some of these women must get pregnant sometime, and I doubt they all know the dangers posed to them by cleaning up what Puss left behind. What gives? --Onnie in Baltimore
Cecil replies:
Buckle up, friend. This one's bizarre.
While you're surely right that not everyone has gotten the word, the medical profession and hopefully most women of childbearing age know that if you're pregnant you don't want to get near cat feces. The problem is the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, for which cats are the principal host. The microscopic parasites reproduce in the cat's gut, the eggs are excreted, and by a process I'm not about to describe the critters wind up in your brain and muscles, where they create tiny cysts, leading to a condition known as toxoplasmosis. Unpromising as this sounds, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are generally mild to nonexistent in adults, which is good, because roughly a third of all humans are infected, with the rate in some tropical countries approaching 100 percent.
For some, though, things are less benign. If a woman initially becomes infected while pregnant, there's a fair chance the T. gondii will migrate across the placenta to her unborn child, with ghastly results ranging from cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation to death. Women infected prior to pregnancy don't run the same risk, which no doubt explains why we haven't seen an epidemic of toxo-induced birth defects--the parasite's ubiquitousness confers a sort of immunity. I've seen no research suggesting there's a threshold exposure below which there's no danger, and in my opinion it'd be foolish to assume there is one. Besides, you'll never get a better excuse to make somebody else clean the litter box.