IE8 difference from IE7......


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
If I opened a new window in IE7, it just gave me my regular home page (

Now, in IE8, if I'm logged into iGoogle or Gmail and I open a new browser window, that window's logged in too.

Anybody know why??

Can I keep it from happening?



Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004

Just double-clicking the cursive blue "e". (Or usually the quick-launch on the taskbar next to the start button)

I looked in the "advanced" settings in Internet Options, but I don't see anything that appears to cover that.

I'm sure it has to do with the fact that Google is my homepage and once I'm signed in, the new window thinks it's still the original window, but IE7 didn't used to do that whereas IE8 does.

(And, yes, I can do a new window w/o the caching if I do that new "In Private" browsing, but that's really just circumventing the real issue)

Thanks again


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
Thanks for finding that!!! That's exactly what I was looking for.

However, yet again, it appears Microsoft simply can't do something new without making something wrong.

I liked some of these comments-----------

Wait - so you're running everything in the same process now, but we can use "nomerge" if we want to *use email* !?


Assuming I've misinterpreted anyway, this seems like a net reduction in reliability at the expense of improved perception of performance.

The unit of failure is still going to be a crashed/compromised process isn't it? So how does running separate browser instances (previously separate processes) in the same process help again?

And I like this one too (kinda' my gmail prob, but different)-----------

Surely this is not a "Power User" requirement. I have a Hotmail (or other) account, my wife has a Hotmail account. We both fire up a different browser session to access our emails and, if I understand correctly, unless we use the -nomerge switch one of us will be logged off. This is going to confuse a hell of a lot of "NON-Power Users"!

Mostly IE8 feels the same to me, but it's little stuff like this that makes me wonder WTF they were thinking.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
Just recently found out a new problem with this and it's specifically, now, in regards to Windows 7!!!

I've just started playing around w/ Win7 but am enjoying it so far. First prob.........yup......needed to implement "-nomerge" hack to get IE8 to work properly. (imho)

Now, Win7 doesn't launch IE the same way other Windows used to. The "e" in taskbar will not launch new. You have to right-click and then open a new window.

Why would they do this??

I think I need to drive up to MS and just start beatin' people w/ a baseball bat.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: redgtxdi
Thanks for finding that!!! That's exactly what I was looking for.

However, yet again, it appears Microsoft simply can't do something new without making something wrong.

I liked some of these comments-----------

Wait - so you're running everything in the same process now, but we can use "nomerge" if we want to *use email* !?


Assuming I've misinterpreted anyway, this seems like a net reduction in reliability at the expense of improved perception of performance.

The unit of failure is still going to be a crashed/compromised process isn't it? So how does running separate browser instances (previously separate processes) in the same process help again?

And I like this one too (kinda' my gmail prob, but different)-----------

Surely this is not a "Power User" requirement. I have a Hotmail (or other) account, my wife has a Hotmail account. We both fire up a different browser session to access our emails and, if I understand correctly, unless we use the -nomerge switch one of us will be logged off. This is going to confuse a hell of a lot of "NON-Power Users"!

Mostly IE8 feels the same to me, but it's little stuff like this that makes me wonder WTF they were thinking.

blaming ms is bs. other browsers will remain logged in to the same single account only if you open multiple tabs to the same site, its normal behavior. ie 8 you can open a new session in the file->new session command.... it lets you log in to multiple accounts easily.



Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2004
Only two problems........

#1.) We're not talking about tabs

#2.) It's something that MS changed from ie7 to ie8

It's easy enough for *me* to add the '-nomerge' to the path, but what about my wife, mother, grandmother???

Read the bolded comments again from the other site. MS are the ones who *wrote* the programs so there's no one else to blame.


Wait, P.S. I'll add one more to all this......

Dunno if it's the same in XP cuz I can't remember, but in my fresh Win7 install, ie8 didn't show the "menu toolbar" by default and I can just imagine a suggestion like, "Hey, just go to File>New session (still twice as many steps as in ie7) and then that person looks all over the screen trying to find the "File" tab" LOL!!

I guess we have something new to hope for in ie9 then, eh? Keep the tabs same-session, but make new windows separate sessions and maybe they can swap to put File>Same Session in the ie9 menu!!



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
i hardlythink thats a problem. someone juggling multiple accounts from the same provider is hardly going to be that inept. its a total mischaracterization of the issue.


Mar 18, 2007
I don't know but I really am beginning to dislike IE8 because it seems to have some problems at the moment for now.