IE + Win2K Problem (MAJOR!)


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
Ok. My PC was running fine like it does. If it an't broke don't fix it...
Well I downloaded IE5.5 because I can and installed it. I had IE5.5 a while back but since then I had formatted. I rebooted and logged on to Win2K. My PC started to proccess all the services etc etc and finish the intall of IE.

My PC froze on System Service's. Part of the IE install program. I thought "hmmm no HDD activity". Being trained in the art of wait-for-it, I left it. Got some food and came back. Still sitting there. 10 mins latter I was thinking okay this is silly. I loaded up Task Manager and looked at my CPU. Idle for about 8 mins. The install was working according to Task Manager.

I killed everything apart from the taskes that I needed to run the install and finish loading my Profile. Well nothing. I killed everything that I could. Install vanished and Windows showed the lovely Win2K blue with the mouse......weeee! How fun.

The reset button meet my finger. Tryed again > Installed failed....ARGH!!!!
Got into Windows after much L33Tness. Tried IE.......MAJOR PROBLEM!!!

Everytime I used a Search Box, Tick Box, Field (for eMail addy etc), Fourm, Poll etc etc IE would freeze. It would sit there and 5 mins latter it would complete the proccess. IE would vanish and I would be left the bar at the top saying "AnandTech - MS IE" and I could see my desktop.

Formatted again

Installed 5.5 again....same problem. Upon reboot I couldn't log into no matter what. Dropped into DOS, copied my files I needed off C: (Trashed the other backups!! Silly me!!) and formatted. After about 5 hours of renaming everything from asdfghjk~1.ext (damn 8 character file names!!) back to real ones I was happy.

IE worked. I was NOT going to try 5.5 again.

Then suddenly it started to happen again, by its self. Do you have any idea how ANNOYING this problem is?

I am stumpped for a solution.

Cheers to thoses who can read a post of this magnitude!
Oh and sorry for the roughness and poor use of english in the post. It's a copy of an ICQ message to my tech friends


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
I am running SP2. I have a slipstreamed install of it.

Linux doesn't like my modern hardware. It runs fine on the Celeron though. But I need games support too.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
I think I have tracked the problem down to some of the services I had "tweaked".

If I am right teaches me a lesson I guess :eek: