IE layout problem... workaround suggestions?


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2001
alright people.. i'm having this problem, which i'm having a real funny feeling is realted to internet explorer's poor implementation of css.

when you load that up, you should notice a news section in the main content... it's sitting in an iframe inside a div (the div has a black border). the iframe is given a width of 95% (because 100% forces it down below the navbar in IE only). as you notice, it stretches off the screen. if you hover over the nav links on the left (info, people, events, links), the iframe "snaps" into place. it seems like IE is "realizing" the ACTUAL parent width instead of using some other number (the whole window i'm guessing). i do know that it has nothing to do with the hovering effect since if i remove the navbar i can't get the iframe to snap to the correct size (meaning it wrongly calculates the size no matter what)

now this problem doesn't happen in mozilla, but unfortunately 93% of the market doesn't use that :( can anyone suggest an alternative to make it "work"? i thought about using a div with autoscroll, but i need to load external content (such as a calendar application on the calendar page which has the same problem)

at this point i'm looking for a workaround (that doesn't involve tables) if you have ANY suggestions, please let me know thanks


Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000
It works great for me. IE6 winxp.

It never "snapped into place" and nothing ever moved one bit.

This is what I see when I open it (prior to mousing over anything).

I guess Im just not seeing what you are having an issue with.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
And I see it the other way around in Mozilla (news frame below navbar). Also no snapping anything...