I'd like to thank everyone that has been nice here


Feb 20, 2001
I'd like to give a special thanks to everyone that has been nice, in light of what's going on in this world today. Over the last few days I've met some very special people, not only where the WTC used to be, but also here in Anandtech. I hope that the people who are nice stay that way. And I pray that those who are evil and racist learn to be nicer and accept people not for their color or nationality, but for their personality and who they are. I realize it's tough for everyone to maintain a good composer, but in the end I hope that we win this war against evil. I hope that these dumb terrorists get what's coming to them. I also hope that people learn that not all Muslim people have the same intentions like some of the few evil ones. Please don't harm others for something that they never did wrong. You would only stoop to the level of these terrorists.

Thanks to everyone,
Your fellow Muslim Bigrash9