Here, I'll help you out with that . . . lapse:
"Agent Rice and his team went in for the arrest. Rice says if she was surprised, she didn't show it.
In total, 57 people, almost all undocumented or with temporary status, agreed to have their names listed as victims for the government. I wasn't allowed to record in the courthouse, but I was there for this, and the scene was powerful. Families streamed in dressed up in pressed white shirts, slacks and skirts, carrying with them statements that they'd prepared in advance. Teenagers came to speak on behalf of their parents in English.
The judge sentenced Patria to six and a half years. The daughters were later sentenced to almost three years. Brigido and Walter wished they'd all gotten more.
I asked the brothers and Nubi, if Patria's crime had happened to them today, would they still work with ICE. They said they'd think twice about it, but yeah, they'd do it again.
This is a point top agents in Rice's division, Homeland Security Investigations, is making today, too. Last month, around the same time protests over the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy at the border erupted around the country, the head of 19 different regional offices from HSI sent a letter to Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security. They basically asked for a divorce from ICE. They don't want to be associated with deportations anymore. It's making it too hard for them to do their jobs.
They wrote, quote, "the perception of HSI's investigative independence is unnecessarily impacted by the political nature of ERO's civil immigration enforcement." ERO is enforcement and removal operations. Many jurisdictions continue to refuse to work with HSI because of a perceived linkage to the politics of civil immigration.
When this case ended, everyone had to revert back to their original roles. Rice, after all, was an ICE agent. He says it's not really appropriate for him to socialize with anyone who's undocumented outside of an investigation."
^^^ Does this help your . . . comprehension?