So - they have some graphs, then misinterpret the graphs either out of ignorance, else intentionally to mislead the average idiot. This is what the left side of that page shows - how things are misinterpreted. (Fortunately, the right side explains why the left side is wrong.) Here's just one item:
Sure, CO2 often lagged BEHIND global warming over the past million years or so. They use that fact to come to the erroneous conclusion that CO2 cannot cause global temperatures to increase. But actually, what they've shown is something that we should be really alarmed about.
We already know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. This fact is indisputable. And, we know that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing specifically because of the burning of fossil fuels. Some idiots will say "durrr, that might be because of volcanoes", look around, and high five a bunch of other idiots who say "yeahhhhh. Look at the scientists now. We showed 'em. They didn't even think of that one. Buncha dummies." Scientists aren't that stupid. Where the CO2 comes from can be determined from radio-isotopes. Plus, we kind of keep track of how much coal & oil we burn. You know, those great big tankers filled with oil? They can be counted. And, it's relatively simple chemistry to determine how much CO2 is given off when those fossil fuels are burned. Plus, volcanoes don't decrease the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere - they just give off CO2 without burning oxygen (at least not much, there are always the trees that get in the way of lava, etc.)
Now, where the hell was I? Oh yeah - CO2 lagging warming. Guess why CO2 generally didn't precede warming - because warming CAN be caused by other factors. At least, to our knowledge, T-Rex wasn't driving automobiles around & burning coal. Heck, coal hadn't even been invented.
So, where did the CO2 come from after the Earth warmed? Magic? Did the fossil fuels magically turn into CO2 millions of years ago? It came from the same places it's going to come from again, if the Earth continues to warm. So, we'll have that CO2, along with all of our man-made CO2. Good times.
But keep pretending graphs prove something that they don't - that way you can continue to mislead people for a few more decades. Especially Americans - they really suck in science skills.