- Nov 12, 2004
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July 24, 2008 Update on page 4 of this thread.
IAEA Director General December 2006 report on Iran non-compliant nuclear activities
Some highlights:
The Security Council,
Reiterating its serious concern over the many reports of the IAEA Director General and resolutions of the IAEA Board of Governors related to Iran?s nuclear programme
Reiterating its serious concern that the IAEA Director General?s report of 27 February 2006 (GOV/2006/15) lists a number of outstanding issues and concerns on Iran?s nuclear programme, including topics which could have a military nuclear dimension, and that the IAEA is unable to conclude that there are no undeclared
nuclear materials or activities in Iran
Reiterating its serious concern over the IAEA Director General?s report of 28 April 2006 (GOV/2006/27) and its findings, including that, after more than three years of Agency efforts to seek clarity about all aspects of Iran?s nuclear programme, the existing gaps in knowledge continue to be a matter of concern, and that the IAEA is unable to make progress in its efforts to provide assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran
Noting with serious concern that, as confirmed by the IAEA Director General?s reports of 8 June 2006 (GOV/2006/38), 31 August 2006 (GOV/2006/53) and 14 November 2006 (GOV/2006/64), Iran has not established full and sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities as set out in resolution 1696 (2006), nor resumed its cooperation with the IAEA under the Additional Protocol, nor taken the other steps required of it by the IAEA Board of Governors, nor complied with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006) and which are essential to build confidence, and deploring Iran?s refusal to take these steps
Concerned by the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear programme and, in this context, by Iran?s continuing failure to meet the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors and to comply with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006), mindful of its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security
Acting under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, 1. Affirms that Iran shall without further delay take the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors in its resolution GOV/2006/14, which are essential to
build confidence in the exclusively peaceful purpose of its nuclear programme and to resolve outstanding questions;
2. Decides, in this context, that Iran shall without further delay suspend the following proliferation sensitive nuclear activities:
(a) all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, to be verified by the IAEA; and
(b) work on all heavy water-related projects, including the construction of a research reactor moderated by heavy water, also to be verified by the IAEA
Decides that all States shall report to the Committee within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution
Expresses the conviction that the suspension set out in paragraph 2 above as well as full, verified Iranian compliance with the requirements set out by the IAEA Board of Governors, would contribute to a diplomatic, negotiated solution
that guarantees Iran?s nuclear programme is for exclusively peaceful purposes, underlines the willingness of the international community to work positively for such a solution, encourages Iran, in conforming to the above provisions, to re-engage with the international community and with the IAEA, and stresses that such engagement will be beneficial to Iran
Requests within 60 days a report from the Director General of the IAEA on whether Iran has established full and sustained suspension of all activities mentioned in this resolution, as well as on the process of Iranian compliance with all
the steps required by the IAEA Board and with the other provisions of this resolution, to the IAEA Board of Governors and in parallel to the Security Council for its consideration</blockquote>
In other news..
Iran Announces Installation of Centrifuges to Boost Uranium Enrichment
TEHRAN ? Iran announced Monday that it was pressing ahead with their plan to install 3,000 atomic centrifuges and to achieve industrial-scale production of nuclear fuel
"We are moving towards production of nuclear fuel which needs 3,000 centrifuges and more than that ... This plan is going ahead and is moving towards completion," government spokesman Gholamhossein Elham told a weekly news conference.
"We have not pulled out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But if they (the West) try to create obstacles then we will change our path as well," he said.</blockquote>
I'm unsure how the international community can communicate more clearly and effectively to Iran that their current path is unacceptable and destructive. Looks like the end of Feb 2007 will be the deadline for Iran to remedy their non-compliance with IAEA. Unfortunately, it appears from Mr. Elham's statements that Iran is already set on this path and cares nothing for either the IAEA or the NPT.
IAEA Director General December 2006 report on Iran non-compliant nuclear activities
Some highlights:
The Security Council,
Reiterating its serious concern over the many reports of the IAEA Director General and resolutions of the IAEA Board of Governors related to Iran?s nuclear programme
Reiterating its serious concern that the IAEA Director General?s report of 27 February 2006 (GOV/2006/15) lists a number of outstanding issues and concerns on Iran?s nuclear programme, including topics which could have a military nuclear dimension, and that the IAEA is unable to conclude that there are no undeclared
nuclear materials or activities in Iran
Reiterating its serious concern over the IAEA Director General?s report of 28 April 2006 (GOV/2006/27) and its findings, including that, after more than three years of Agency efforts to seek clarity about all aspects of Iran?s nuclear programme, the existing gaps in knowledge continue to be a matter of concern, and that the IAEA is unable to make progress in its efforts to provide assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran
Noting with serious concern that, as confirmed by the IAEA Director General?s reports of 8 June 2006 (GOV/2006/38), 31 August 2006 (GOV/2006/53) and 14 November 2006 (GOV/2006/64), Iran has not established full and sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities as set out in resolution 1696 (2006), nor resumed its cooperation with the IAEA under the Additional Protocol, nor taken the other steps required of it by the IAEA Board of Governors, nor complied with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006) and which are essential to build confidence, and deploring Iran?s refusal to take these steps
Concerned by the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear programme and, in this context, by Iran?s continuing failure to meet the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors and to comply with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006), mindful of its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security
Acting under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, 1. Affirms that Iran shall without further delay take the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors in its resolution GOV/2006/14, which are essential to
build confidence in the exclusively peaceful purpose of its nuclear programme and to resolve outstanding questions;
2. Decides, in this context, that Iran shall without further delay suspend the following proliferation sensitive nuclear activities:
(a) all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, to be verified by the IAEA; and
(b) work on all heavy water-related projects, including the construction of a research reactor moderated by heavy water, also to be verified by the IAEA
Decides that all States shall report to the Committee within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution
Expresses the conviction that the suspension set out in paragraph 2 above as well as full, verified Iranian compliance with the requirements set out by the IAEA Board of Governors, would contribute to a diplomatic, negotiated solution
that guarantees Iran?s nuclear programme is for exclusively peaceful purposes, underlines the willingness of the international community to work positively for such a solution, encourages Iran, in conforming to the above provisions, to re-engage with the international community and with the IAEA, and stresses that such engagement will be beneficial to Iran
Requests within 60 days a report from the Director General of the IAEA on whether Iran has established full and sustained suspension of all activities mentioned in this resolution, as well as on the process of Iranian compliance with all
the steps required by the IAEA Board and with the other provisions of this resolution, to the IAEA Board of Governors and in parallel to the Security Council for its consideration</blockquote>
In other news..
Iran Announces Installation of Centrifuges to Boost Uranium Enrichment
TEHRAN ? Iran announced Monday that it was pressing ahead with their plan to install 3,000 atomic centrifuges and to achieve industrial-scale production of nuclear fuel
"We are moving towards production of nuclear fuel which needs 3,000 centrifuges and more than that ... This plan is going ahead and is moving towards completion," government spokesman Gholamhossein Elham told a weekly news conference.
"We have not pulled out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But if they (the West) try to create obstacles then we will change our path as well," he said.</blockquote>
I'm unsure how the international community can communicate more clearly and effectively to Iran that their current path is unacceptable and destructive. Looks like the end of Feb 2007 will be the deadline for Iran to remedy their non-compliance with IAEA. Unfortunately, it appears from Mr. Elham's statements that Iran is already set on this path and cares nothing for either the IAEA or the NPT.