I wonder if Santorum even believes his own BS?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
This lying pile of sh1t seems to sway back and forth as much as Kerry is accused of. When the Repubs were going strong, he proudly stood up and showed his true colors. Now, with scandal enveloping the party, he is trying to downplay everything he did to stroke the flames in the first place.

I can't wait til November. My biggest regret is having moved from Pittsburgh. I won't have the overwhelming feeling of euphoria having pulled the lever for Casey and helped get this POS tossed back to Virginia where he actually lives 80% of the time. Stupid fvck isn't really a resident of the state he represents any more. Maybe I can still vote against him....I still own a house there?


WASHINGTON -- With Democrats comparing his ties to lobbyists with "organized crime," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., yesterday swung back, saying the Democratic criticism amounted to libel and unequivocally denying that he helped shape the GOP's controversial "K Street Project."

The "K Street Project," which was led by conservative activist Grover Norquist and then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, was an effort to press Washington's lobbying firms and trade associations to hire Republicans who share their agenda. It gets its name from the street where many of the firms are based.

Democrat have criticized the project as an attempt to funnel millions of dollars in lobbying money to the GOP.

Since he became the Senate's third-ranking Republican in 2001, Mr. Santorum has held weekly meetings with top Republican lobbyists at which he discusses, among other matters, job openings at Washington lobbying firms.

But, in interviews with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, he has said those discussions -- which he previously referred to as "the K Street meetings" -- are merely to ensure Republicans are putting forward good candidates for the jobs.

Mr. Santorum flatly denied yesterday that the meetings were an integral part of the "K Street Project."

Though publications such as The Washington Post, Roll Call and Washington Monthly have all reported that Mr. Santorum's meetings were a central part of Mr. Norquist's "K Street Project" strategy, Mr. Santorum said yesterday that his meetings were a separate initiative.

"I had absolutely nothing to do -- never met, never talked, never coordinated, never did anything -- with Grover Norquist and the -- quote -- K Street Project," Mr. Santorum said.

"[Senate Minority Leader] Harry Reid made a statement that I meet with Grover Norquist every Wednesday," Mr. Santorum added. "I don't meet with him every Wednesday. I have nothing to do with this project and for [Mr. Reid] to make that statement is libelous. It's absolutely false."

When asked why he had never publicly disputed the press reports of his involvement in the "K Street Project," Mr. Santorum said he viewed the term the "K Street Project" as a generic reference that could include his overtures to lobbyists and trade associations.

"I didn't even know what Grover Norquist was up to," Mr. Santorum said last night. "Why would I object to something that I thought was a description of our coalition's outreach, which we do to a whole variety of different groups."

Mr. Norquist said in an interview earlier this week that Mr. Santorum, who is in the midst of a tough re-election campaign, was not involved in the formation of the "K Street Project" in the mid-1990s. But Mr. Norquist, who is president of Americans for Tax Reform, said he did go to one of Mr. Santorum's regular meetings with the lobbyists to tell them about the "K Street Project" and its goals. He could not recall the date; the Washington Post reported that Mr. Norquist met with the group in June 2002.

Mr. Santorum also said he never saw the dossier assembled by Mr. Norquist tracking how much money individual lobbyists and employees at trade associations were giving to Democrats and Republicans. Mr. Norquist told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Mr. Santorum was not involved in compiling the data.

Because of press reports three years ago that the dossier was being used to threaten lobbying firms that were Democratic-leaning, the Senate Select Committee on Ethics issued a "Dear colleague" letter in August 2002, reminding senators it would be a violation of Senate rules to limit lobbyists' access on the basis of their hiring decisions or an individual's campaign contributions.

Mr. Santorum publicly expressed disappointment about the hiring of Democrats for at least two top lobbying jobs -- former Clinton administration officials Dan Glickman for the Motion Picture Association in 2004 and Rudy de Leon for the top lobbying job at Boeing Corp. in 2001 -- but the senator said yesterday that his comments were not related to the "K Street Project."

Mr. Reid said yesterday said he had asked the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to begin a public investigation of the "K Street Project."

"If there were ever a scandal, this is it," said Mr. Reid, D-Nev. "What has taken place there I think will be written about in history books in the years to come as one of the classic scandals in the history of our country."

There is also a discrepancy over whether former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who set off the furor over lobbying rules when he pleaded guilty earlier this month to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe lawmakers, attended one of Mr. Santorum's first K Street meetings.

Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, reported in 2001 that Mr. Abramoff, who had close relationships with Mr. DeLay and Mr. Norquist, was one of more than a dozen lobbyists attending the meeting. Mr. Santorum said that he does not remember Mr. Abramoff being there.

"He could have been -- I just don't know," Mr. Santorum said yesterday after testifying at a congressional hearing where he laid out his goals for the package of lobbying rule changes that he plans to present.

"I don't recall ever meeting him. I don't. When I saw his picture in the paper that was not a face that was familiar to me. I never consciously remember meeting him. Could he have been in a fund-raiser, could he have been someplace where I was? Sure."

In spite of Mr. Santorum's statements that he did not have a relationship with Mr. Abramoff, the Democrats have tried to link the senator to the fallen lobbyist. In an ad critical of Mr. Santorum and the "K Street Project" at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's Web site, an image of Mr. Abramoff pops out of a witch's cauldron that is being stirred by a figure topped with Mr. Santorum's head.


Sep 26, 2000
When it is written policy of neo-cons to lie you are surprised that they actually lie?:Q


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
I can't wait til November. My biggest regret is having moved from Pittsburgh. I won't have the overwhelming feeling of euphoria having pulled the lever for Casey and helped get this POS tossed back to Virginia where he actually lives 80% of the time.

I certainly hope so, but Casey didn't help things yesterday by saying that he'd support Alito (alienating some of his support). Hopefully that blows over and doesn't haunt him (or Santorum further nukes himself)



Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
So saying you support Alito will get your base to vote for Satinorum? Or are we talking about support in the primaries?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Santorum is right out up front with the radical right----and when their policies fail so will he----and the smell of corruption is now upon him and no amount of whitewash can change that-----he is targeted for defeat by many-----------and there is nothing sadder than seeing an out of office politician telling all
about how he really was not a crook. "Old politicians never die----they just fade away."


Jan 20, 2001
Unlike some of the other turds treading water . . . Santorum might have a little plausible deniability on this one. It's close.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Santorum blows his stack at reporter in public today
AMERICAblog's spies on the Hill tell us that at 4:34pm Eastern today (gotta love their precision) Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) "totally blew his top, totally lost control" while getting off the underground train that connects the US Capitol building and the Dirksen Senate Office Builing.

It seems a reporter approached Santorum just as he got off the train and asked Santorum something to the effect of: "Can you tell me about the 'K Street Project.""

Santorum's response?

He started screaming, according to our source. "It's just a meeting!", Santorum reportedly yelled (again, in public, right near the Senate cafeteria where lots of folks are gathered). "What Harry Reid said Wednesday [when he announed the Democrats' ethics reform package] is a total lie!"

In fact, the K Street Project is an infamous little conspiracy that Tom Delay created back in the 1990s, and Santorum is the Senate's liaison to that little conspiracy. Thus the reason Ricky isn't too happy about being asked about it:
HOW THE K STREET PROJECT WORKED: In his dealings with K Street lobbyists, DeLay explicitly stated he would operate by ?the old adage of punish your enemies and reward your friends.? (To gain influence over legislation, trade associations and corporate lobbyists were ordered to do three things: 1) refuse to hire Democrats, 2) hire only deserving Republicans as identified by the congressional leadership, and 3) contribute heavily to Republican coffers.) Despite being admonished by the House Ethics Committee numerous times for his conduct, DeLay?s pay-to-play machine continued to plow full-speed ahead. With federal benefits up for sale, corporations quickly identified the need to need to hire more lobbyists, giving rise to one of the greatest growth industries in America. Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform, proudly proclaimed in 2002 that [conservatives] ?will have 90-10 [percentage advantage in staffing] on K Street and 90-10 business giving.?
Someone isn't eating their Wheaties if a simple reporter's question is making them blow their stack in public.

Find out more about the "just a meeting" from NPR here.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well, Santorum may have another worry in common with other legislators. Someone is going to take the fall with
Abramoff-----and while dishonest abe is getting his sentence reduced for finking out others there may be lots of fellow finks in the know who would sell out Rick S. for a few days of sentence reduction. So you can't blame him for being a little excitable these days--------with K. street certain to come up in the trial along with Rick Santorum's role in the K. street project------even if Santorums emerges from the Abramoff scandal unjailed and unsullied------there are so many many ways for things to unravel wrong-----with an election coming up to boot.----the uncertainty must be the worst of it.-----there are only a few brave men like Tom Delay with the guts to give a cheek splitting grin on their mug shots.

My only regret is that I live in another State and can't vote against him.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
No wonder ol' "man on dog" went ballistic on that reporter. Seems ol' Ricky has been caught in a lie:

"I had absolutely nothing to do -- never met, never talked, never coordinated, never did anything -- with Grover Norquist and the -- quote -- K Street Project," Mr. Santorum said.

Is that a fact?


"Thank you Grover, and I appreciate your help and support on this and many other issues..."

I don't think he was talking to a Sesame Street character!


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Why would you say something knowing people can dig and prove you wrong? What a moron, time for him to to the private sector to make millions like the rest of them.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Todd33
Why would you say something knowing people can dig and prove you wrong? What a moron, time for him to to the private sector to make millions like the rest of them.
Because they don't care.

Besides, you saw how much the "liberal media" plastered this over the news weekend.