I want to be retired, NOW.


Jan 16, 2001
Ah, the dream:

To have nothing to do and all day in which to do it in.

To become "one of those damn old people" that are doing 45 in a 75 on the Interstate, b/c they have nowhere to be.

To have all day long to do my woodworking projects. To have all night to game away, not worrying about having to get up.

To have all day long to wash and polish my truck. To have all day long to repair my motorcycle and get it running again.

To have all evening in which to cook a delicious meal, with fresh-cut vegetables from my garden that I had time to grow and tend to.

I used to just loathe the retirees b/c they were in my way; they're still in my way, but now I'm just green with envy when I see them shopping at Home Depot. Taking 30 mintues to select a paintbrush b/c they CAN. :(

I want to be able to take 30 minutes to select a paintbrush too!


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Me too. I really really would like to not have to worry about money constantly like I do now.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Ah, the dream:

To have nothing to do and all day in which to do it in.

To become "one of those damn old people" that are doing 45 in a 75 on the Interstate, b/c they have nowhere to be.

To have all day long to do my woodworking projects. To have all night to game away, not worrying about having to get up.

To have all day long to wash and polish my truck. To have all day long to repair my motorcycle and get it running again.

To have all evening in which to cook a delicious meal, with fresh-cut vegetables from my garden that I had time to grow and tend to.

I used to just loathe the retirees b/c they were in my way; they're still in my way, but now I'm just green with envy when I see them shopping at Home Depot. Taking 30 mintues to select a paintbrush b/c they CAN. :(

I want to be able to take 30 minutes to select a paintbrush too!

You can achieve that, but you need to make some major lifestyle changes ASAP.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2002
"I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I hoped it could be."
- Peter Gibbons


Jan 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Ah, the dream:

To have nothing to do and all day in which to do it in.

To become "one of those damn old people" that are doing 45 in a 75 on the Interstate, b/c they have nowhere to be.

To have all day long to do my woodworking projects. To have all night to game away, not worrying about having to get up.

To have all day long to wash and polish my truck. To have all day long to repair my motorcycle and get it running again.

To have all evening in which to cook a delicious meal, with fresh-cut vegetables from my garden that I had time to grow and tend to.

I used to just loathe the retirees b/c they were in my way; they're still in my way, but now I'm just green with envy when I see them shopping at Home Depot. Taking 30 mintues to select a paintbrush b/c they CAN. :(

I want to be able to take 30 minutes to select a paintbrush too!

You can achieve that, but you need to make some major lifestyle changes ASAP.

Viper GTS

Yah, like hit the Lotto. I have a pension plan and I'm investing now...I won't be rich or poor...I'll just be there. But I want to be there, NOW.



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Ah, the dream:

To have nothing to do and all day in which to do it in.

To become "one of those damn old people" that are doing 45 in a 75 on the Interstate, b/c they have nowhere to be.

To have all day long to do my woodworking projects. To have all night to game away, not worrying about having to get up.

To have all day long to wash and polish my truck. To have all day long to repair my motorcycle and get it running again.

To have all evening in which to cook a delicious meal, with fresh-cut vegetables from my garden that I had time to grow and tend to.

I used to just loathe the retirees b/c they were in my way; they're still in my way, but now I'm just green with envy when I see them shopping at Home Depot. Taking 30 mintues to select a paintbrush b/c they CAN. :(

I want to be able to take 30 minutes to select a paintbrush too!

You can achieve that, but you need to make some major lifestyle changes ASAP.

Viper GTS

Yah, like hit the Lotto. I have a pension plan and I'm investing now...I won't be rich or poor...I'll just be there. But I want to be there, NOW.

Any bars/restaurants around SA frequented by wealthy widows? You could hook up with one who just happens to be very old or in poor health and retire.....Anna Nicole style. :D

Of course, this would involve nailing someone your grandmother's age for at least a year, but it would get you want you wanted, right? :Q :p


Oct 8, 2002
it sounds nice, but if i had nothing to do i would go insane. my grandfather is 75 and he still is on the boards of multiple companies and always looking for good ideas to make work. my other grandfather didn't retire by choice, hes developing alzhiemers (sp) and has really gone downhill fast. he still goes to his board meetings for various things, but hes more a figurehead and less of a functioning member.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I could handle the day when the biggest decsion is deciding which golf course I'm going to hit.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: vi_edit
I could handle the day when the biggest decsion is deciding which golf course I'm going to hit.

I think I'd prefer the day when the biggest decision is deciding which of the playmates to hit.

Wait, that's Hugh.

Never mind.

Viper GTS


Dec 12, 2000
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!


Jan 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Ah, the dream:

To have nothing to do and all day in which to do it in.

To become "one of those damn old people" that are doing 45 in a 75 on the Interstate, b/c they have nowhere to be.

To have all day long to do my woodworking projects. To have all night to game away, not worrying about having to get up.

To have all day long to wash and polish my truck. To have all day long to repair my motorcycle and get it running again.

To have all evening in which to cook a delicious meal, with fresh-cut vegetables from my garden that I had time to grow and tend to.

I used to just loathe the retirees b/c they were in my way; they're still in my way, but now I'm just green with envy when I see them shopping at Home Depot. Taking 30 mintues to select a paintbrush b/c they CAN. :(

I want to be able to take 30 minutes to select a paintbrush too!

You can achieve that, but you need to make some major lifestyle changes ASAP.

Viper GTS

Yah, like hit the Lotto. I have a pension plan and I'm investing now...I won't be rich or poor...I'll just be there. But I want to be there, NOW.

Any bars/restaurants around SA frequented by wealthy widows? You could hook up with one who just happens to be very old or in poor health and retire.....Anna Nicole style. :D

Of course, this would involve nailing someone your grandmother's age for at least a year, but it would get you want you wanted, right? :Q :p

Ah yes. I can see it now. On the bottom of my 1040 Form where it would say Occupation: Man Whore.

The thought has occured to me and I've been saying for years now "I want a Sugar Mommy." Of course, I'm not a young stud anymore...kind of a older young stud :p but I could still make somebody's Grams very happy. Ewwwwwwwwwww! Ah what the hell; six shots of Jim Beam, shut the lights off and close my eyes...it's Cindy Crawford, it's Cindy Crawford, it's Cindy Crawford, it's Cindy Crawford........


Oct 9, 2001
I'm sort of semi-retired. Left the States in '95 and came to live in Cancun because there's lots of things to do in my free time here. I have a couple of online businesses that I take care of but don't require too much time, and I do some web site development on the side for friends and close business associates to fill in the gaps. The funny thing is, I picked up html coding and web develpoment skills because I had free time to do it and was interested in making a web site. Now, I can pretty much live a free lifestyle without too many worries.

I still work quite a bit but that's because I need something to do with my days and working a little means more money in my pocket, but my office is in my home and I can stumble in whenever I want. The best thing about it is I wake up when I want, pretty much do what I want, take 45 minutes to pick out a paintbrush if I want, and get to spend all day with my family when I want. Sure beats the hell out of living in the rat race. Of course, I'm not out buying the latest SUV, but I don't want one either; I'd rather spend my time at the beach, or camping or out scuba diving.


Jan 16, 2001
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

EXCELLENT POST!! You get "The Man" award for today. :cool:


Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

EXCELLENT POST!! You get "The Man" award for today. :cool:

Fo Shizzle My Nizzle!


Sep 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
Originally posted by: vi_edit
I could handle the day when the biggest decsion is deciding which golf course I'm going to hit.

I think I'd prefer the day when the biggest decision is deciding which of the playmates to hit.

...*sigh* if only...



Sep 18, 2000
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

*********The real world 11am************** : WAkes up only to find all of the above are just a dream and missed 2 classes which have midterm for each of them.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

EXCELLENT POST!! You get "The Man" award for today. :cool:
This is kinda old, but I feel requires posting since I think it's funny as hell.


08:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses
08:30 Weigh in 4 lbs lighter than yesterday
08:45 Breakfast in bed, freshly squeezed orange juice and croissants, open presents
- expensive Tiffany's jewelry chosen by thoughtful partner.
09:15 Soothing hot bath with frangipani bath oil.
10:00 Light work out at club with handsome funny personal trainer
12:00 Lunch with best friend at fashionable outdoor cafe
13:00 Catch sight of husband/boyfriend's ex and notices she has gained 25 lbs.
15:00 Nap
16:00 Three dozen roses delivered by florist, card id from secret admirer
16:15 Light work out at club, followed by massage from strong but gentle hunk who
says he rarely gets to work on such a perfect body.
17:30 Choose outfit from expensive designer wardrobe, parade before full length mirror.
19:30 Candle lit dinner for two followed by dancing, with compliments received
from other diners/dancers
10:00 Hot shower (alone)
10:50 Carried to bed.....(freshly ironed, crisp, new white linen)
11:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling
11:15 Fall asleep in his big strong arms.


06:00 Alarm
06:15 Blow job
06:30 Massive satisfying dump while reading the sports section
07:00 Breakfast, rump steak and eggs, coffee and toast all cooked
by naked buxom wench.
07:30 Limo arrives
07:45 Savor 20 year-old small-batch Bourbon on-route to airport
09:15 Flight in personal Lear jet
09:30 Limo to Augusta National golf club (blow job en-route)
09:45 Play front nine (2 under)
11:45 Lunch. Filet Mignon, three pints of Bass and bottle of Don Perignon.
12:15 Blow job
12:30 Play back nine (4 under)
14:15 Limo back to airport (two glasses 25 year-old Macallan en route)
14:30 Fly to Monte Carlo
15:30 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female crew (all nude)
16:30 Land world record Marlin (1,800 lbs on light tackle)
17:00 Fly home, massage and hand job by Elle McPherson.
18:45 Shower and shave
19:00 Watch news: Michael Jackson assassinated, marijuana and porn legalised.
19:30 Dinner, lobster appetisers, Don Perignon (1953) big juicy steak
followed by Ice cream served on a pair of breasts.
21:00 Napoleon brandy and Cohiba cigar in front of wall size TV as you watch
international match of the day. England beating Germany 13-0.
21:30 Sex with three women under the age of 21
23:00 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snack and cleansing ale.
23:30 A night-cap blow job.
23:45 In bed alone
23:50 A 12 second fart which changes pitch 4 times. Even the dog is compelled to leave the room.



Jan 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

EXCELLENT POST!! You get "The Man" award for today. :cool:
This is kinda old, but I feel requires posting since I think it's funny as hell.


08:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses
08:30 Weigh in 4 lbs lighter than yesterday
08:45 Breakfast in bed, freshly squeezed orange juice and croissants, open presents
- expensive Tiffany's jewelry chosen by thoughtful partner.
09:15 Soothing hot bath with frangipani bath oil.
10:00 Light work out at club with handsome funny personal trainer
12:00 Lunch with best friend at fashionable outdoor cafe
13:00 Catch sight of husband/boyfriend's ex and notices she has gained 25 lbs.
15:00 Nap
16:00 Three dozen roses delivered by florist, card id from secret admirer
16:15 Light work out at club, followed by massage from strong but gentle hunk who
says he rarely gets to work on such a perfect body.
17:30 Choose outfit from expensive designer wardrobe, parade before full length mirror.
19:30 Candle lit dinner for two followed by dancing, with compliments received
from other diners/dancers
10:00 Hot shower (alone)
10:50 Carried to bed.....(freshly ironed, crisp, new white linen)
11:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling
11:15 Fall asleep in his big strong arms.


06:00 Alarm
06:15 Blow job
06:30 Massive satisfying dump while reading the sports section
07:00 Breakfast, rump steak and eggs, coffee and toast all cooked
by naked buxom wench.
07:30 Limo arrives
07:45 Savor 20 year-old small-batch Bourbon on-route to airport
09:15 Flight in personal Lear jet
09:30 Limo to Augusta National golf club (blow job en-route)
09:45 Play front nine (2 under)
11:45 Lunch. Filet Mignon, three pints of Bass and bottle of Don Perignon.
12:15 Blow job
12:30 Play back nine (4 under)
14:15 Limo back to airport (two glasses 25 year-old Macallan en route)
14:30 Fly to Monte Carlo
15:30 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female crew (all nude)
16:30 Land world record Marlin (1,800 lbs on light tackle)
17:00 Fly home, massage and hand job by Elle McPherson.
18:45 Shower and shave
19:00 Watch news: Michael Jackson assassinated, marijuana and porn legalised.
19:30 Dinner, lobster appetisers, Don Perignon (1953) big juicy steak
followed by Ice cream served on a pair of breasts.
21:00 Napoleon brandy and Cohiba cigar in front of wall size TV as you watch
international match of the day. England beating Germany 13-0.
21:30 Sex with three women under the age of 21
23:00 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snack and cleansing ale.
23:30 A night-cap blow job.
23:45 In bed alone
23:50 A 12 second fart which changes pitch 4 times. Even the dog is compelled to leave the room.

Hahahah! :D I've seen variations on this over the years, but this one is the best, by far! Two thumbs up! :cool:


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
This is kinda old, but I feel requires posting since I think it's funny as hell.


08:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses
08:30 Weigh in 4 lbs lighter than yesterday
08:45 Breakfast in bed, freshly squeezed orange juice and croissants, open presents
- expensive Tiffany's jewelry chosen by thoughtful partner.
09:15 Soothing hot bath with frangipani bath oil.
10:00 Light work out at club with handsome funny personal trainer
12:00 Lunch with best friend at fashionable outdoor cafe
13:00 Catch sight of husband/boyfriend's ex and notices she has gained 25 lbs.
15:00 Nap
16:00 Three dozen roses delivered by florist, card id from secret admirer
16:15 Light work out at club, followed by massage from strong but gentle hunk who
says he rarely gets to work on such a perfect body.
17:30 Choose outfit from expensive designer wardrobe, parade before full length mirror.
19:30 Candle lit dinner for two followed by dancing, with compliments received
from other diners/dancers
10:00 Hot shower (alone)
10:50 Carried to bed.....(freshly ironed, crisp, new white linen)
11:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling
11:15 Fall asleep in his big strong arms.


06:00 Alarm
06:15 Blow job
06:30 Massive satisfying dump while reading the sports section
07:00 Breakfast, rump steak and eggs, coffee and toast all cooked
by naked buxom wench.
07:30 Limo arrives
07:45 Savor 20 year-old small-batch Bourbon on-route to airport
09:15 Flight in personal Lear jet
09:30 Limo to Augusta National golf club (blow job en-route)
09:45 Play front nine (2 under)
11:45 Lunch. Filet Mignon, three pints of Bass and bottle of Don Perignon.
12:15 Blow job
12:30 Play back nine (4 under)
14:15 Limo back to airport (two glasses 25 year-old Macallan en route)
14:30 Fly to Monte Carlo
15:30 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female crew (all nude)
16:30 Land world record Marlin (1,800 lbs on light tackle)
17:00 Fly home, massage and hand job by Elle McPherson.
18:45 Shower and shave
19:00 Watch news: Michael Jackson assassinated, marijuana and porn legalised.
19:30 Dinner, lobster appetisers, Don Perignon (1953) big juicy steak
followed by Ice cream served on a pair of breasts.
21:00 Napoleon brandy and Cohiba cigar in front of wall size TV as you watch
international match of the day. England beating Germany 13-0.
21:30 Sex with three women under the age of 21
23:00 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snack and cleansing ale.
23:30 A night-cap blow job.
23:45 In bed alone
23:50 A 12 second fart which changes pitch 4 times. Even the dog is compelled to leave the room.

haha that is great




Sep 18, 2002
The 12 second fart which changes pitch 4 times is genious. Both of those lists are hilarious, great posts. :D


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: uncJIGGA
I wanna be retired, but I don't wanna be old and fogey! I wanna be 25 forever!!! And rich!!! With nothing to do!

Here's my perfect day:

5:00 AM: Wake up, go for a jog/run on the beach, watch the sunrise when possible

5:30 AM: Back from run, continue aerobic excercise in my home gym with my trophy wife

6:00 AM: Weight training in my home gym (me and trophy wife spot each other)

7:00 AM: Go for a swim (either in the ocean, my outdoor pool or my indoor pool; nude whenever possible with trophy wife)

7:30 AM: Shower and get ready (preferrably a shower with my trophy wife)

8:00 AM: Breakfast (cooked by my chef), listen to opening bell of the NYSE, catch up on financial news and world markets

9:00 AM: Call the buddies for a round of golf--prolly the state guv'nor, a few local pro athletes or radio/tv personalities, the mayor or other celebs; book helicopter for Augusta National, Pinehurst, Firestone, or wherever I feel like playing!

1:00 PM: Power luncheon at the country club. Schmooze with the rich folk, get insider information, make deals

3:00 PM: Call the bookie/check the lines for action. Bet a couple grand here and there.

3:30 PM: Check into the office. Sure I don't work, but all rich people have an office. I don't know why, but I would have one too. So here I am in my office. Prolly takin' care of anything my staff can't handle before end-of-business.

5:00 PM: Hmm, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, the Lambo, or the good ol' American Viper? Decisions decisions!! Pick a car and go for a drive (on the local Formula 1 track whenever possible.)

6:00 PM: Come home, unwind with a drink, chitchat with wifey, get ready for dinner.

7:00 PM: Myself and wifey have reservations we've made a month in advance at some restaurant in the city named "Chez _____." I don't care much for French food, but I know the chef and he'd cook me anything I want! We have a great table too (not that I'd really care, but I always get a good table here.) Wine & spirits too of course.

8:00 PM: Call the chopper again on whim. Chopper's in use, but since I'm such a good client they'll let me take the private jet since someone just cancelled their timeshare. Me and wifey and a few of my 'dawgs' and their 'chicas' hop in and head to Vegas.

8:45 PM: I'm already prechecked-in to the Bellagio (Penthouse Suite), so I have someone pick up my luggage and take it to the hotel while me and my crew hop into a limo and head to the MGM Grand.

9:00 PM: Heavyweight title match, ringside, ya heard? Looks like I'll get to watch the fight I bet on earlier today! I picked the underdog, and guess what!!! He's a winner! Good thing I spoke to the promoter first!

10:00 PM: Wifey and the girls head back to the hotel to catch a show together. Me and the boys hit the casinos! Top-shelf reserve cognacs flowing like monsoon rain in Bombay. Smokin' on Dunhills. You know how it is.

12:00 AM: Come home and wifey's wearing that hot new teddy she just got from her trip to Rodeo Drive. DAYAMN!!! We have slow & steady sex, first time highschool sex, rough animal sex, cheap hooker sex, pr0n king sex, all in one night. Then we fall asleep.

6:00 AM: Take the plane back home. Looks like my workout will be cut short this morning, but me and wifey more than made up for it last nite!

EXCELLENT POST!! You get "The Man" award for today. :cool:
This is kinda old, but I feel requires posting since I think it's funny as hell.


08:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses
08:30 Weigh in 4 lbs lighter than yesterday
08:45 Breakfast in bed, freshly squeezed orange juice and croissants, open presents
- expensive Tiffany's jewelry chosen by thoughtful partner.
09:15 Soothing hot bath with frangipani bath oil.
10:00 Light work out at club with handsome funny personal trainer
12:00 Lunch with best friend at fashionable outdoor cafe
13:00 Catch sight of husband/boyfriend's ex and notices she has gained 25 lbs.
15:00 Nap
16:00 Three dozen roses delivered by florist, card id from secret admirer
16:15 Light work out at club, followed by massage from strong but gentle hunk who
says he rarely gets to work on such a perfect body.
17:30 Choose outfit from expensive designer wardrobe, parade before full length mirror.
19:30 Candle lit dinner for two followed by dancing, with compliments received
from other diners/dancers
10:00 Hot shower (alone)
10:50 Carried to bed.....(freshly ironed, crisp, new white linen)
11:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling
11:15 Fall asleep in his big strong arms.


06:00 Alarm
06:15 Blow job
06:30 Massive satisfying dump while reading the sports section
07:00 Breakfast, rump steak and eggs, coffee and toast all cooked
by naked buxom wench.
07:30 Limo arrives
07:45 Savor 20 year-old small-batch Bourbon on-route to airport
09:15 Flight in personal Lear jet
09:30 Limo to Augusta National golf club (blow job en-route)
09:45 Play front nine (2 under)
11:45 Lunch. Filet Mignon, three pints of Bass and bottle of Don Perignon.
12:15 Blow job
12:30 Play back nine (4 under)
14:15 Limo back to airport (two glasses 25 year-old Macallan en route)
14:30 Fly to Monte Carlo
15:30 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female crew (all nude)
16:30 Land world record Marlin (1,800 lbs on light tackle)
17:00 Fly home, massage and hand job by Elle McPherson.
18:45 Shower and shave
19:00 Watch news: Michael Jackson assassinated, marijuana and porn legalised.
19:30 Dinner, lobster appetisers, Don Perignon (1953) big juicy steak
followed by Ice cream served on a pair of breasts.
21:00 Napoleon brandy and Cohiba cigar in front of wall size TV as you watch
international match of the day. England beating Germany 13-0.
21:30 Sex with three women under the age of 21
23:00 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snack and cleansing ale.
23:30 A night-cap blow job.
23:45 In bed alone
23:50 A 12 second fart which changes pitch 4 times. Even the dog is compelled to leave the room.

Hahahah! :D I've seen variations on this over the years, but this one is the best, by far! Two thumbs up! :cool:

Fausto1 gets a :D for his awsome post as well as uncJIGGA :D . they both made my day :)


Jul 16, 2001
Simple pleasures..and the luxury of time..and to have the health and youth to enjoy them. Don't wait too long. This is all too temporary.