I just bought my CPU today (AMD 64 3200+) and i opened the box and i do not have the brass circle nor the white pad shown in this picture ( http://www.omnicast.net/~tmcfadden/guides/build/step.jpg ) is it supposed to be there? cause its not there
What brass circle and white pad? All I see is the bottom of a heat sink with a copper insert and a thermal pad (gray) attached. I would imagine that depends on what cooler you got.
That is a copper core which helps heat to dissapate quicker and the grey pad is thermal compound that helps fill the very small gaps between the metal and the die of the cpu. Not having the copper is nothing to worry about, not all heat sinks have them, but not having thermal compound of some sort is not a good thing to do. Get some artic silver and follow the directions to apply
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