i think i twisted my knee


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
i dunno how i did it, but it has been hurting for a week or so whenever i walked or bent it. i've experienced this kinda pain before, and it usually goes away after a couple of days, and that is why i didn't make an appointment till today. however, after the fourth consecutive day of pain, i called and made an appointment. i got one for tuesday morning. the pain has also gotten way worse today than it was before. in addition, my knee also kinda feels numb... like it fell asleep or something.

i put some icy rub on it and have taken some tylenol. anything else i can do to help the pain / weird feeling?


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
You need to alternate a heating pad and an ice pack (on roughly 20 min cycles with 20min of nothing in between ice and heat). The ice pack reduces swelling, the hot pad increases blood flow to promote healing. That and stay off the leg for a day if you can.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
anything else i can do to help the pain / weird feeling?

Lots and lots of :beer:

imma drinking shiner :beer:

Originally posted by: intogamer
put something warm on it. not ice. it will relax your muscles and etc.

it's actually icy hot i'm using and not icy rub. will that help?

Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
Find a Pit Bull, piss it off and let nature take its course, or go snorkeling in Australia! :D

remind me to never consult the triad of tittiefeelie nipplenot for medical advice again :p

Originally posted by: moshquerade
you are getting oooooooooold

i'm just gonna turn 22 in 3 months :(

Originally posted by: rahvin
You need to alternate a heating pad and an ice pack (on roughly 20 min cycles with 20min of nothing in between ice and heat). The ice pack reduces swelling, the hot pad increases blood flow to promote healing. That and stay off the leg for a day if you can.

hmm, will icy hot do the trick for the alternating heat / cold? i'll try the icepack / heating pad thing tomorrow. and will stay off the leg for weekend. have to walk to work and back tomorrow.

thanks for advice! :beer:s for everybody!


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh-
hmm, will icy hot do the trick for the alternating heat / cold? i'll try the icepack / heating pad thing tomorrow. and will stay off the leg for weekend. have to walk to work and back tomorrow.

thanks for advice! :beer:s for everybody!

No, putting a chemical on your knee isn't going to do a damn thing. Icy hot is for muscles, it isn't going to do anything for your knee. You need physical heat and physical cold.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
You think you twisted it? Weren't you there when it happened?


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: MeanMeosh-
hmm, will icy hot do the trick for the alternating heat / cold? i'll try the icepack / heating pad thing tomorrow. and will stay off the leg for weekend. have to walk to work and back tomorrow.

thanks for advice! :beer:s for everybody!

No, putting a chemical on your knee isn't going to do a damn thing. Icy hot is for muscles, it isn't going to do anything for your knee. You need physical heat and physical cold.

allright then, i'll alternate between a heating pad, an ice pack, and nothing tomorrow evening and through the weekend. thanks!

Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
You think you twisted it? Weren't you there when it happened?

i always do this crap where i hurt myself and don't even notice it for a while unless it's bleeding profusely or hurts a lot. usually, things happen like this: i'll notice a scar like 2 weeks later and wonder what happened, or it'll start to hurt after a while and i'll wonder what happened. i'm really oblivious like that.


Mar 2, 2005
Originally posted by: rahvin
You need to alternate a heating pad and an ice pack (on roughly 20 min cycles with 20min of nothing in between ice and heat). The ice pack reduces swelling, the hot pad increases blood flow to promote healing. That and stay off the leg for a day if you can.

I really have no idea, but this sounds pretty intelligent.