This website list processes.
If you wanna know the cli and the ati ones are from your graphics. Obviously u have ATI graphics installed.
the kpf4 is Kerio personal firewall.
And servicehost is a Windows process so thats totally normal
download spybot sd (google that) u can see what processes are starting up and toggle them in the advanced section and it usually tells you what those process are. For example I had the w32 agobot ku worm listing in there. I never could find it. Maybe my a/v already got it. Still looking about that. BTW download Avast antivirus if you don't have any AV your a dummy. get the free version. I like it. It will catch the Java script crap you get on some websites.
F-secure also offers a free online scanner.
I also find PREVX useful. It is also free. it stops things from being changed annoying at times and can cause BF2 problems so suspend it before you start BF2 and other games. Its for people who don't mind the bother obv.
U already run a firewall.
That does seem high idle but your PC does stuff when your not doing stufff for example Avast antivirus maps your computer to help w/repairs if it has to do them. I use O&O defrag and that starts when the PC is idle. Windows Media Center records stuff....O your PC might be indexing its files go to search and uncheck it. or check in start/run/services.msc but becareful in there if u disable the wrong stuff, e.g. rpc, you will mess up your pc reeealll bad.
BTW I agree w/ MechBgon. Learn to google efficiently. You do that you will have less questions. for example type in: what is cli.exe? lo and behold i have the answer! See how happy that makes u? Also, this makes you more able to help others and spread the gospel of RTDM,

Good luck, trying to find crap like is a needle and haystack kind of thing. and sumtimes you just have to reinstall to be happy and have some peace of mind. If you use back up software like Acronis True Image (u can download a trial) back ups aren't as painful cuz it reinstalls all your OS clean be sure to split ur HDD into 2 partitions tho one for OS other for Documents this also diminishes doc loss even w/out using back up software if you have to reinstall windows.....yada yada
Wireless router? would that do anything to his machine unless they are browsing his files?? yikes! Unless he has it set up Adhoc BTW a friend had a piggy backer at his apt. he had to put up mac filter but before he did he dropped a virus in their machine lol i guess u really dont get anything for free.