kcobra: With the exception of the "Samsung" for Hitachi I do know exactly what I'm talking about. I ordered one of those monitors knowing full well it was a typo and that I was trying to cash in on an error. My CC# was never charged, and I got an e-mail stating that they were going to fulfill the first thousand or so. Like many of us, I wasn't part of the lucky 1000. Boy, were my constitutional rights trampled on.
That small mistake the data entry clerk made (who was subsequently fired) cost the company upwards of $125,000 in immediate damages, and now another $750 K from the judgement this last month.
All because of crybabies that felt they should get something for nothing. If Buy.com's doors are still open by the end of 2001 I'll be very surprised. Other e-commerce sites are finding it nearly impossible to turn around their huge VC debt, being forced to close. You're just adding to the problem.