I survived the stag (bachelor party for you yankees)!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thursday afternoon we went off to Kelowna for my brothers stag. We had dinner and then went to two clubs... I was already dreading the weekend.

Friday was fun because we went boating and I did something that I never though I did. I went tubing on a 190HP boat. Why is that significant? I don't know how to swim :eek:.
I jumped into the middle of the lake with just a life jacket, my pulse skyrocketed but I was ok after realizing I wasn't going to sink :). I did a beautiful wipeout too. Later we played a 2 man scramble on a nice executive course. So far so good... I thought the weekend was going to turn out ok... then the clubbing began :(. It was my first time going
to a strip bar. I was amazed that it actually did nothing for me. It's funny watching all these guys hooting and howlering knowing that they don't have a chance; why do they
tease themselves like that? Anyways, I probably won't be going to the peelers again, but at least I know that I am not missing much. We went to another club and I was actually contimplating having some wobbly pops, but when I walked in and saw all the zombie faced people it turned me off right away. So for three and a half hours I watched my bro and his buddies get plastered... again I was dreading the weekend. My brother wore a Joe Sakic rookie jersey and we had 5 dumbasses actually think he was Joe Sakic and asked them for his autograph! With the number of idiots out there, and I am starting to lose faith in Darwin's Theory.

Saturday started ok too. We went to the beach and relaxed for a bit. My skin isn't so pasty white now, and I showed off my flabs on the beach for all the pretty ladies. We went back to the hotel where I pulled out my classical and wanked on that for a bit (great play on words eh? ;)). I read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for an hour so so, and then I found out we got a pair of strippers going to our hotel... I decided to go since it is my bro's stag :). Again I wasn't really into it. Watching dirty girls with a bunch of drunk bafoons hollering did nothing for me. The stripper said that I was the first guy to run away from her massive (I mean MASSIVE) breasts :). Everyone else was grabbing them to decide if they were real or not. Another thing that I can say I've experienced so I can say no next time. Then we were off clubbing again! The only good part of it was watching my bro make an ass of himself because he was dressed up in a superman costume (that left nothing to the imagination :)). Watching the drunks furthered my sober decision making. Luckily one guy was really feeling sick so I drove him back to the hotel at 12:30 and I crashed too.

I am guessing you all think I am boring now too? Well I don't give a fvck, since I am happy the way that I am. People keep on calling me out trying to get me to like their lifestyle, I wish they would leave me alone... I never ask them to have a LAN party, go stargazing, or moutain biking....

Hmm... not sure what the point of this post is but that's what OT is about isn't it? :)


Senior member
Apr 28, 2002
I am guessing you all think I am boring now too? Well I don't give a fvck, since I am happy the way that I am. People keep on calling me out trying to get me to like their lifestyle, I wish they would leave me alone... I never ask them to have a LAN party, go stargazing, or moutain biking....

Hey dude, I love that stuff too. But strippers??????? C'mon!!!!!! Any pics? :p


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
this post removed all doubt

Did you notice that I didn't really enjoy any of it? I couldn't wait to go home... the only stuff I liked was the outdoors stuff like boatin, beachin, and golfin (I am anti the letter 'g' :p)

Hey dude, I love that stuff too. But strippers??????? C'mon!!!!!! Any pics?

Nope... no cameras allowed at a stag :p. Too much evidence :).


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Mucman
this post removed all doubt

Did you notice that I didn't really enjoy any of it? I couldn't wait to go home... the only stuff I liked was the outdoors stuff like boatin, beachin, and golfin (I am anti the letter 'g' :p)

Hey dude, I love that stuff too. But strippers??????? C'mon!!!!!! Any pics?

Nope... no cameras allowed at a stag :p. Too much evidence :).

Whaaat? Dude I took over a hundred pics for my friend's party in Cabo. I just deleted the incriminating ones :)
Wuss. ;)


Senior member
Dec 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Mucman
I am guessing you all think I am boring now too? Well I don't give a fvck, since I am happy the way that I am. People keep on calling me out trying to get me to like their lifestyle, I wish they would leave me alone... I never ask them to have a LAN party, go stargazing, or moutain biking....

Hmm... not sure what the point of this post is but that's what OT is about isn't it? :)

Hey man - congrats on standing up for what you believe in! :) There seems to be a lot of peer pressure for guys to enjoy that kind of stag stuff, but, it's good to know there are others out there who have, perhaps a bit more "refined" tastes ;)!

Good for you :)

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999
There's at least one other person here who would have done exactly the same thing. Me.
I'm not into drinking, partying, clubbing, strippers, etc.
Not my kinda thing, people who are into that stuff have a hard time understanding though. Fortunately, most of my friends are the same way.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Wow, I was expecting for flaming from you guys :).

I wanted to do the go-carts but the old guys weren't up for it :p (I am 22, and the rest of the crew was 30-35)


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Mucman

Hmm... not sure what the point of this post is but that's what OT is about isn't it? :)

OMG...understatement of the century. My new sig!!!



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Mucman, maybe you could turn out to be different than most people. It might even be that you simply have a brain. But as somebody perhaps with a little more practice at being odd than you may have had, I'll give you some free insights just to think about. At the age I guesstimate you to be, college time, it's an age where young men have a lot of growing up to do. You're away from home some, but not a fully independent economically self sustaining unit. What I see, and of course I see everything I see via remorseless self analysis, so I may be way off the mark, but I don't think so. Anyway, what I see is a need for love, for attention, for a feeling of self worth, for self valuation. You have made up your mind you like this lifestyle and don't like that. That's the story you tell yourself. Somewhere in the past you realized, got told by somebody or some event, that the normalcy trip, the typical role your brother plays so well, the guy who fits in, loves sports, is popular, the breast grabber, was something you couldn't do, were no good at. So while you walked out on that path as a possibility for you, you didn't surrender the desire for the attention and positive feed back people who can play that role get. They are popular, they are free and easy and facile around the opposite sex. They are extroverted and exhibitionistic. They get a lot of positive attention and feedback. They are the cultural ideal and you aren't.

So in some ways you are attracted and repelled, sickened and fascinated, jealous and relieved. It's just that being odd, being different, having different interests etc don't bring the accolades the popularity trip does. You kind of have to supply that yourself, maybe with a few people who have similar tendencies. But to put down, ridicule as phony or shallow, the path others take who get what they are looking for, acceptance, comes from the weak and immature side, the side that still is looking for a similarly shallow reward. If you think about it, the only satisfaction you can ever count on is what you generate for yourself. To be worth something to yourself, to be satisfied with who you are without a need for attention from others, will mean that you can go anywhere, do anything, be this or be that with ease. You wont have to put anybody or any lifestyle down. But you will find that the path you take will be one that you and you alone choose. What others think of it will not matter. They will only laugh at you if they don't have themselves.

You did a lot when you jumped into the water with a life jacket. You just do the same in life. Self love of the right kind is the life jacket beyond compare.


Oct 11, 1999
Dude.... there no chicks here.. so give us the "REAL" story. <wink><wink> ;)


Senior member
Apr 28, 2002
I wanted to do the go-carts but the old guys weren't up for it :p (I am 22, and the rest of the crew was 30-35)[/quote]

Alllllright, hold up a minute. I was on your side....for a second. Old guys.....30-35?????? You little young punk! ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Moonbeam - Wow, where to start :). Keep in mind that the group I was with was in there 30's :) (and I am 22). I have been living away from my parents since I was 19. I first moved to a 4000 square foot house with my brother and 3 of his friends... I was out of place, but it wasn't bad. I don't mind being different, albeit I have wondered what it would have been like to have chosen the mainstream lifestyle.

Anyway, what I see is a need for love, for attention, for a feeling of self worth, for self valuation.

Yes, you are scaring me now :p. Although you can take attention of that list. I used to say that I don't have time for a girl right now, but I think I was lying to myself. I want a girl, but I want a mature relationship that you married guys have... I want to skip the games.

Believe it or not, my brother is like me in a way... the only thing is that he is willing to drink and he requires alchohol in him to remove inhibitions... to me that's like a biker who does blood doping. I would prefer have my brain at a 100% when I am social, not at 10%. To each his own I guess.

So in some ways you are attracted and repelled, sickened and fascinated, jealous and relieved. It's just that being odd, being different, having different interests etc don't bring the accolades the popularity trip does. You kind of have to supply that yourself, maybe with a few people who have similar tendencies. But to put down, ridicule as phony or shallow, the path others take who get what they are looking for, acceptance, comes from the weak and immature side, the side that still is looking for a similarly shallow reward. If you think about it, the only satisfaction you can ever count on is what you generate for yourself. To be worth something to yourself, to be satisfied with who you are without a need for attention from others, will mean that you can go anywhere, do anything, be this or be that with ease. You wont have to put anybody or any lifestyle down. But you will find that the path you take will be one that you and you alone choose. What others think of it will not matter. They will only laugh at you if they don't have themselves.

I think that pretty much sums it up. The places that I experienced this weekend are opposite of my personality. The people that I love to meet, are hiding behind a book in the local library or on forums like these :).

You did a lot when you jumped into the water with a life jacket. You just do the same in life. Self love of the right kind is the life jacket beyond compare.

I like that... Maybe I will start off by replacing my sig with the above and removing the baghead... naw, that's to crazy for me :p. I will be keeping that in mind though. thanks
for your thought out post!

Dude.... there no chicks here.. so give us the "REAL" story. <wink><wink>

Fine, I got wasted had a private dance with the stripper in the bathroom... along with that every hot girl in the clubs were eyeing me up and down asking if I could
go to their place for a little LAN gaming action :p

Alllllright, hold up a minute. I was on your side....for a second. Old guys.....30-35?????? You little young punk!

Hehe... ok, replace old with seasoned bar veterans.
Jan 9, 2002
Wow, you sound just like me actually, Mucman- I would have done the same thing. Not into all that stuff. I'm going to have a fairly tame bachelor's party, and will probably even have my Dad there. My Dad had his father at his, which I think is pretty cool. But yeah, none of that stupid/dirty stripper stuff.
Just chilling on a nice boat somewhere with a cooler full of Corona Extras and good music- just like the commercials. :D


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Mucman, maybe you could turn out to be different than most people. It might even be that you simply have a brain. But as somebody perhaps with a little more practice at being odd than you may have had, I'll give you some free insights just to think about. At the age I guesstimate you to be, college time, it's an age where young men have a lot of growing up to do. You're away from home some, but not a fully independent economically self sustaining unit. What I see, and of course I see everything I see via remorseless self analysis, so I may be way off the mark, but I don't think so. Anyway, what I see is a need for love, for attention, for a feeling of self worth, for self valuation. You have made up your mind you like this lifestyle and don't like that. That's the story you tell yourself. Somewhere in the past you realized, got told by somebody or some event, that the normalcy trip, the typical role your brother plays so well, the guy who fits in, loves sports, is popular, the breast grabber, was something you couldn't do, were no good at. So while you walked out on that path as a possibility for you, you didn't surrender the desire for the attention and positive feed back people who can play that role get. They are popular, they are free and easy and facile around the opposite sex. They are extroverted and exhibitionistic. They get a lot of positive attention and feedback. They are the cultural ideal and you aren't.

So in some ways you are attracted and repelled, sickened and fascinated, jealous and relieved. It's just that being odd, being different, having different interests etc don't bring the accolades the popularity trip does. You kind of have to supply that yourself, maybe with a few people who have similar tendencies. But to put down, ridicule as phony or shallow, the path others take who get what they are looking for, acceptance, comes from the weak and immature side, the side that still is looking for a similarly shallow reward. If you think about it, the only satisfaction you can ever count on is what you generate for yourself. To be worth something to yourself, to be satisfied with who you are without a need for attention from others, will mean that you can go anywhere, do anything, be this or be that with ease. You wont have to put anybody or any lifestyle down. But you will find that the path you take will be one that you and you alone choose. What others think of it will not matter. They will only laugh at you if they don't have themselves.

You did a lot when you jumped into the water with a life jacket. You just do the same in life. Self love of the right kind is the life jacket beyond compare.

There's nothing wrong with being different; it's just that you're, well, different..


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Bravo for standing up for what you believe in, Mucman.:) We may not be the most "exciting" people, but at the end of the day, we can stand up and say we did the right things.:)


Oct 9, 1999
Sounds like you dealt with everything fine.

LMAO at the running away from the huge breasts


Feb 2, 2000
Hmm, you sound like a great guy in my book, I think its cool you didn't enjoy much of that stuff! And thats coming from a "boring" female, so take it for what its worth. ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
NightFlyerGTI - Yup, going on the boat was so nice... even though I can't swim, I am not afraid of water so I really like it.

ViRGE - I am exciting in my own way :).

kami - They were so large that they had small moons orbiting them! Of course the guys in the room had to tell em that I was a virgin too :eek:

GirlFriday - mmmm GF thinks I am a good guy... I guess that means I don't have a chance :p;)


Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999
There are actually some girls who like nice guys. There is hope, my friend.
The problem is that nearly all guys think they're nice guys...or at least say they are.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Sir Fredrick - Thanks for calling me a nice guy... now I have a 0% chance of getting lucky :p


Feb 2, 2000
GirlFriday - mmmm GF thinks I am a good guy... I guess that means I don't have a chance :p;)

Hey, nice guys rock in my book, I hate jerks. But then again, I'm older and wiser, so thats probably why. ;)