Why not call a spade a spade? Taxes to me imply some since of equality or fairness in their collection. Why not call our current system what it actually is? I'd much rather hear "did you pay your penalty for being successful" than for someone to ask if you paid your taxes. Since when did the US get this way, and since when was popular support so high? Over 55 million people felt it was OK to penalize others for their success. Anyone remember the 1800's? The 40 acres of land, and how you could own it free and clear? It rewarded those that were successful. If you weren't, you didn't get the land. So how did this current system evolve? Until we find out -- let's not continue the charade. The current tax system is a punishment on the successful.
Edit: Let me clarify. I seek to ban the term "taxes" and not the actual device.
Edit: Let me clarify. I seek to ban the term "taxes" and not the actual device.