I never would have thought...

Jun 4, 2005
It seems MySpace has a purpose other than harbouring emo's and suicidal teens. I've always despised MySpace for what evil spawned from it, until now.

I doubt any of you remember, but a long time ago I posted that I was moving from my home in Windsor to a new house in London. I was (and am) still in school at the time, so it would mean leaving all my friends and everyone I knew. I had lost contact with everyone and I was feeling rather depressed.

Well, recently I took it upon myself to sign up on MySpace to see what the big deal was. I was off to a terrible start, a few friends, no comments, no reason for me to stay. But then I saw it. "Search." I clicked this link out of curiosity, surely I could find something interesting to look at. What I found excited me

"Search schools."

I typed in the name of my old High School and to my surpise, some of my old friends used MySpace. Through this incredible website I was able to find some people that I thought I had lost contact with forever.

Text if anyone wants to add me.
Jun 4, 2005
Oh, next time I'll be sure to drop some random letters just so I can pretend to be american. It's all about simplicity, isn't it? I mean, who needs u's anyways?