I need lots of people to fill out my survey!


Oct 14, 1999
Web site

Just follow the instructions, I won't tell anybody anything, etc.

Either PM me the answers or send your completed results to spammewell@rogers.com

Answer like this:

1. M
2. 31-35
3. etc.
16. Yes. whatever whatever wahatever.sdfhl....


PLEASE DON'T SCROLL DOWN UNTI LYOU HAVE COMPLETED THE SURVEY IF YOU PLAN TO COMPLETE IT. Just so you don' t get influenced by other people's results. Evil1, email or PM... but nm now.


Feb 12, 2001
1. What is your gender? M

1. What is your age? 20-24

3. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? Attending college

4. Which of the following political parties is closest to your own beliefs? (check one box only) Libertarian

5. What do you feel is the most important part of justice? (check one box, or write in space provided)
Keeping the convicted from being released into the public

Other: (write in space below)

6. Explain the term ?capital punishment?. (write in the space provided, or check ?Don?t know?)
Capital punishment is synonymous with the death penalty to me.

7. The purpose of imprisonment is to: (check the boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
Both Act as a deterrent to future criminals and Keep the criminal from hurting others

8. If you believe that capital punishment is a deterrent to criminal actions, which keeps more criminals from committing crimes?
Does not apply

9. Should a victim?s family be able to choose between a life sentence and the death penalty for a criminal, allowing that either punishment is suitable?

Please explain your answer in the space below:
The victim's family is too likely concerned with vengeance.

10. Is capital punishment permitted in your province/state? (check one box only)

10. a) Do you approve of the death penalty? (check one box only)

i) If yes, why? (check boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)

ii) If no, why? (check boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
Other: (write in space below)
While there very well may be some people that deserve it, it's too easily misused. Innocent people are executed. We try to avoid it, but as long as we have the death penalty avilable, it will continue to happen. I have no problem allowing people to keep appealing thier cases al lthe way to the supreme court if neccesary. Many people will make some financial statement here, saying that keeping prisoners in the courts is expensive. I doubt more than $10/year of my tax money goes into appeals courts, and I'd gladdly put another $10/year into those courts if it meant getting innocent people out of jails and off death row.

10. b) Do you want capital punishment to be brought back? (check one box only)
Uh.... we still have it.

11. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent crime(s) escaped from his/her prison, how should they be dealt with? (check one box only, or write in space provided)
Put them back in jail with extended sentance.

12. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent crime(s) escaped from his/her prison and committed another violent crime, how should they be treated? Put them back in jail with extended sentance.

13. Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? (check one box only)

14. Do you know a relative or friend who was a victim of a violent crime? (check one box only)

15. Do you feel that capital punishment is humane? (check one box only)

Please explain your answer in the space below:
Killing people isn't humane

16. Assuming that capital punishment is allowed by law, should there be instances where a criminal who normally would receive the death penalty should not receive it?
I can't think of any.

17. If a jury is unwilling to impose the death sentence on the defendant, should the judge have the power to do so? (check one box only)

18. Do you know of any instances when a person was executed for crimes they did not commit?
Not specifically off the top of my head, but I know it has happened.

19. If capital punishment is permitted in your province/state, and if there are death row inmates who have not had modern forensic (scientific) tests to prove their guilt, should they be allowed to have another appeal? (check one box only) ? skip if capital punishment is banned



Nov 16, 2000
Obviously, notfred can't read.

Or at least, he DIDN'T pay attention the 2nd post. :light:


Oct 14, 1999
Thank you guys so much. I wouldn't have thought LM would have contributed anything.



No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
1. What is your gender? M
1. What is your age? 20-24
3. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? Attending college
4. Which of the following political parties is closest to your own beliefs? (check one box only) Libertarian
5. What do you feel is the most important part of justice? (check one box, or write in space provided)
Keeping the convicted from being released into the public
Other: (write in space below)
6. Explain the term ?capital punishment?. (write in the space provided, or check ?Don?t know?)
death penalty
7. The purpose of imprisonment is to: (check the boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
keep innicent peopel out of harms way
8. If you believe that capital punishment is a deterrent to criminal actions, which keeps more criminals from committing crimes?
fear of death
9. Should a victim?s family be able to choose between a life sentence and the death penalty for a criminal, allowing that either punishment is suitable?
Please explain your answer in the space below:
they are more out for revenge then justice
10. Is capital punishment permitted in your province/state? (check one box only)
10. a) Do you approve of the death penalty? (check one box only)
i) If yes, why? (check boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
eye for an eye

ii) If no, why? (check boxes which apply, and/or write in the space provided)
10. b) Do you want capital punishment to be brought back? (check one box only)
its not gone
11. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent crime(s) escaped from his/her prison, how should they be dealt with? (check one box only, or write in space provided)
back in jail
12. If an inmate convicted of (a) violent crime(s) escaped from his/her prison and committed another violent crime, how should they be treated?
retrial. if needed go to death penality
13. Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? (check one box only)
14. Do you know a relative or friend who was a victim of a violent crime? (check one box only)
15. Do you feel that capital punishment is humane? (check one box only)
Please explain your answer in the space below:
killing isnt humane. but its nesicary
16. Assuming that capital punishment is allowed by law, should there be instances where a criminal who normally would receive the death penalty should not receive it?
17. If a jury is unwilling to impose the death sentence on the defendant, should the judge have the power to do so? (check one box only)
18. Do you know of any instances when a person was executed for crimes they did not commit?
not personally but it happens
19. If capital punishment is permitted in your province/state, and if there are death row inmates who have not had modern forensic (scientific) tests to prove their guilt, should they be allowed to have another appeal? (check one box only) ? skip if capital punishment is banned
depends on what they did
20.  Do you have any final comments about capital punishment?
the death row process takes to long. there are to many damn appeals. if you are found guilty beyone teh shodow af a doubt. IE cought on tape killing someone. you shouldent even have a trial they shoud just kill em