I need help.......with a girl


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2002
Okay, here's the deal, there is this girl I like. But, the only problem I see is that I am a part of the stereotypical "nerd" and "geek" group, and she is a part of the "skater" group (yes I'm in high school, oh the complications :p). Now, I have never actually went up and asked out a girl, I've had one girlfriend my whole life, and I have no idea what to do. Can anyone give me some advice. Any help would be appreciated, and please don't flame me, I'm in dire need for help.


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2002
1. Approach girl.
2. Open mouth.
3. Say "hello, my name is _____, and I was wondering if you'd like me to lick your toes."
4. Bring arms up across face in an "X"
5. Absorb slap with arms

Works for me! :p


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2002
The best thing to do would be to actually walk up to her and start a conversation. Introduce yourself. Ignore those different stereotypical groups people put themselves in: They don't exist. Just give it a try, what do you have that you can loose from this? Good luck to you if you do :)


Oct 9, 1999
Unzip your pants.

Drop them to your knees.

Reach between your legs. Take firm hold. Feel those? Those are your balls. Hopefully you have some.

Put your pants back on.

Ask her out.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2000
write her a poem and send her some flowers...

...then bone her.

If that doesn't work, just do what ROTC1983 said.


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2002
Originally posted by: ROTC1983
The best thing to do would be to actually walk up to her and start a conversation. Introduce yourself. Ignore those different stereotypical groups people put themselves in: They don't exist. Just give it a try, what do you have that you can loose from this? Good luck to you if you do :)

Hey everyone, thanks for the quick (and some funny) replies. But to focus on this one, ROTC1983, what do you think I should start a conversation about?


Apr 12, 2001
not only can high school be broken down in to the stereotypical groups, but ive discovered people who reply to these threads can too.

a) the people who give real advice

b) the people who say "do her" or "st@b her" (or something like that...)

but anyways....
since im in highschool, the best way ive discovered to inter-mingle between social groups is to be nice to everyone in the friggin grade (pretty much all the social groups), and basically become friends with all of em. that way, when you try to get friendly with this skater chick, youre less likely to be laughed at and tossed aside.

or if that fails...

st@b her.


Oct 19, 2001
circle the right answer:

a. sup bitch, date?
b. st@b her!
c. get her drunk
d. all of the above


Sep 11, 2002
Originally posted by: KraziKid

Hey everyone, thanks for the quick (and some funny) replies. But to focus on this one, ROTC1983, what do you think I should start a conversation about?

It doesn't matter, it is just small talk. The idea is that you both want to talk, you just don't know how. No big deal, she's just as nervous as you are.

Say hi, ask how classes have been, what she did that weekend, what she's doing this weekend. Don't spend more than 2 or 3 minutes on small talk, then get to the point. "Hey, I was thinking of seeing that XYZ movie this weekend, have you wanted to see it?" If she says anything remotly to the affirmitive, then ask her if she wants to come see it with you.

She might say yes, might say no, doesn't really matter. She might be busy, might have something else to do, or might not be interested. Whatever, you do this a few times and you WILL get a date with someone. It is a numbers game, don't plan on the first girl saying yes, plan on one out of five saying yes. Shoot, that means you only have to ask out five girls and you WILL GET A DATE.

This isn't hard, really!

Take it from a 26 year old who was scared to death to ask out girls when he was 16, then one day he did it three times on a dare and got one of them to say yes! Since then, I just ask people out, no big deal, most say no, enough said yes (including finally Thumper, who I love and hope to marry some day!!!)



Senior member
Aug 12, 2001
Dear Nerdy,
Okay, hold it, if you can't even think of something to start a conversation about you need to take this really slowly. It's not gonna happen over night and if you push too fast she may only be turned away. That is if she only see's you as someone from the "geek" or "nerd" group. First, you need to make sure you have some sort of similar interests otherwise the whole thing is pointless, dates being akward and such, the only comfortable time the two of you have is when you're doing it doggy style on her parent's bed cause you don't have to look at each other. Do not stalk her though, this is also bad. Put simply what have you seen her do out of school, extra cirricular activities and such. If she always hangs out with a crowd you're not comfortable with it may be hopeless for now, let's face facts. Okay, so the first conversation will probably be quick and she may not even realize where it's goin. It'll be just some random converstation to try and get to know her, see if the two of you will really click. That is where i'll leave it up to you, it has to be natural and comfortable for you. Maybe even play it cool like you're just bored and looking for something to do to pass the time. This will also decide if the two of you will ever speak again. After time you may even be able to see what she's doing after school someday and the big step, drum role please, ask her for the digits (her phone number if anyone didn't understand that). From there you could make your move at the right time, get back to us when you get this far though.

Or you could just club her and drag her back to your cave, worked for me a couple of times.


Jun 16, 2000
I'm in college, but I remember high school well. Want to know a secret? Don't join a "social group". Be friends with everyone. Its marvelous.

Here is what you do. First step is to talk to her? Have you tried that? Kinda important. Go do that and them come back with results.


Aug 14, 2000
get your friend to give her a note that says

"hi. my name is *insert name here* and i can dress myself"


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
Walk in her general direction...when you reach her...say 'Hello, I'm _____' in case she doesn't know. Go from there.

I don't believe in 'groups' in high school...thus I have a random bunch of friends.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Deeko
I'm in college, but I remember high school well. Want to know a secret? Don't join a "social group". Be friends with everyone. Its marvelous.

Here is what you do. First step is to talk to her? Have you tried that? Kinda important. Go do that and them come back with results.

Yeah, I'll agree here. My senior year I was hanging out with every clique and had tons of friends.